Praneeta Mudaliar
Mailing Address:
3359 Mississauga Road
Mississauga ON L5L 1C6
My Research Interests
My scholarship involves examining power dynamics, socio-cultural inequalities, and actor interactions in the governance of shared resources through case study methods. I've conducted cross-national research on power dynamics for water management in the United States and India and fisheries governance in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda. I also investigate pro-environmental behaviors among young adults, intergenerational climate justice, multiple knowledge systems in land management, and cultural ecosystem services. I am interested in supervising Masters or PhD students who would like to focus on projects on any of the themes mentioned above.
Selected Publications
O’Brien, L.*, & Mudaliar, P. (2022). Decolonizing land management in institutions of higher education. Journal of Land Use Science, 17(1), 195-210.
Kashwan, P., Mudaliar, P., Foster, S. R., & Clement, F. (2021). Reimagining and governing the commons in an unequal world: A critical engagement. Current Research in Environmental Sustainability, 3, 100102.
Mudaliar, P., McElroy, M.*, and Brenner, J.C. (2021) The Futility and Fatality of Incremental Action: Motivations and Barriers among Undergraduates for Environmental Action that Matters, Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences.
Mudliar, P., and Koontz, T. M. (2021). Locating Power in Ostrom’s Design Principles: Watershed Management in India and the United States, Society and Natural Resources;
Mudliar, P. (2020) “Polycentricity to Moncentricity: Power Dynamics in Lake Victoria’s fisheries”, Environmental Policy and Governance; 1-14
* Student co-authors