Irenius Konkor
Research and Professional Interests
Irenius Konkor’s disciplinary and training background is Health Geography with a research focus on the geographies of health and healthcare. More broadly, his research interests cut across global health, public health, and the environment. Irenius is particularly interested in understanding how marginalization and social inequities (re)produce poor health outcomes within marginalized communities to inform a transformative paradigm in healthcare delivery through engagement with marginalized communities, health policymakers and stakeholders. His research has been empirically driven and characterized by extensive fieldwork involving quantitative and qualitative research methods. Irenius is currently a postdoctoral fellow and a course instructor in the department of Geography, Geomatics and Environment at the University of Toronto Mississauga.
- Konkor, I., & Kuuire, V. (2023). The impact of residential and non-residential environments on non-communicable disease in Ghanaian cities: The role of gender. Cities, 143, 104568.
- Konkor, I., & Kuuire, V. Z. (2023). Epidemiologic transition and the double burden of disease in Ghana: What do we know at the neighborhood level? Plos one, 18(2), e0281639.
- Amoak, D., Konkor, I., Mohammed, K., Saaka, S. A., & Antabe, R. (2023). Exposure to mass media family planning messages among men in Nigeria: analysis of the Demographic and Health Survey data. PeerJ, 11, e15391.
- Konkor, I., Kuuire, V., & Bisung, E. (2023). Understanding perceptions of neighborhood health and non-communicable disease risk in urban contexts in Ghana. Social Science & Medicine, 317, 115574.
- Konkor, I., Luginaah, I., Husbands, W., Omorodion, F., Antabe, R., Wong, J., ... & Etowa, J. (2022). Immigrant generational status and the uptake of HIV screening services among heterosexual men of African descent in Canada: Evidence from the weSpeak study. Journal of Migration and Health, 100119.
- Konkor, I., Antabe, R., Mkandawire, P., McIntosh, M. D., Lawson, E. S., Husbands, W., ... & Luginaah, I. (2022). Knowledge of sexual partner’s HIV serostatus and the practice of safer sex among heterosexual men of African descent in London, Ontario. Ethnicity & Health, 27(2), 375-387.
- Kansanga, M. M., Konkor, I., Kpienbaareh, D., Mohammed, K., Batung, E., Nyantakyi-Frimpong, H., ... & Luginaah, I. (2022). Time matters: A survival analysis of timing to seasonal food insecurity in semi-arid Ghana. Regional Environmental Change, 22(2), 41.
- Luginaah, N. A., Konkor, I., Lawson, E. S., Mkandawire, P., Husbands, W., Omorodion, F., ... & Wong, J. (2022). Concurrent sexual partnerships and HIV testing among heterosexual Black men in Ontario, Canada: findings from the weSpeak study. Ethnicity & Health, 27(8), 1825-1840.
- Kpienbaareh, D., Kofinti, R. E., Konkor, I., Amoak, D., Kansanga, M. M., & Luginaah, I. (2022). Knowledge of pregnancy complications and utilization of antenatal care services in Rwanda. The International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 37(3), 1680-1693.
- Haruna, U., Woods, H., Kansanga, M., Konkor, I., Dixon, J., & Luginaah, I. (2022). Enablers and barriers of community initiated health emergency transport systems in the Upper West Region of Ghana. African Geographical Review, 41(3), 281-298.
- Konkor, I. (2021). Examining the relationship between transportation mode and the experience of road traffic accident in the upper west region of Ghana. Case studies on transport policy, 9(2), 715-722.
- Konkor, I., Mkandawire, P., Luginaah, I., Husbands, W., Omorodion, F., Wong, J., & Etowa, J. (2021). Access to healthcare services among heterosexual Black men in Ontario, Canada. Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services, 20(1), 58-75.
- Konkor, I., Dogoli, M. A., Kuuire, V., & Wilson, K. (2021). Examining the relationship between occupational physical activity and hypertension status: evidence from the ghana WHO study on global ageing and adult health. Annals of Work Exposures and Health, 65(9), 1050-1060.
- Konkor, I., Mkandawire, P., Antabe, R., Luginaah, I., Husbands, W., Wong, J., ... & McIntosh, M. D. (2021). Sexual debut among heterosexual men of African and Caribbean descent: Are the youth initiating sex earlier than the older generation?. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-11.
- Sano, Y., Konkor, I., Antabe, R., & Ragetlie, R. (2021). Physical intimate partner violence justification and female genital mutilation in Kenya: evidence from the demographic and health survey. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 30(6), 781-791.
- Antabe, R., Konkor, I., McIntosh, M., Lawson, E., Husbands, W., Wong, J., ... & Luginaah, I. (2021). “I went in there, had a bit of an issue with those folks”: everyday challenges of heterosexual African, Caribbean and black (ACB) men in accessing HIV/AIDS services in London, Ontario. BMC Public Health, 21, 1-14.
- Kpienbaareh, D., Kansanga, M. M., Konkor, I., & Luginaah, I. (2021). The rise of the fourth estate: the media, environmental policy, and the fight against illegal mining in Ghana. Environmental Communication, 15(1), 69-84.
- Konkor, I., Lawson, E. S., Antabe, R., McIntosh, M. D., Husbands, W., Wong, J., & Luginaah, I. (2020). An intersectional approach to HIV vulnerabilities and testing among heterosexual african caribbean and Black men in London, Ontario: results from the weSpeak study. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 7, 1140-1149.
- Konkor, I., Kansanga, M., Sano, Y., Antabe, R., & Luginaah, I. (2019). Community perceptions and misconceptions of motorcycle accident risks in the Upper West Region of Ghana. Travel behaviour and society, 15, 157-165.
- Konkor, I., Kansanga, M., Sano, Y., Atuoye, K., & Luginaah, I. (2019). Risk-Taking behaviours and timing to first motorbike collision in the upper West region of Ghana. Journal of Transport & Health, 12, 105-114.
- Konkor, I., Sano, Y., Antabe, R., Kansanga, M., & Luginaah, I. (2019). Exposure to mass media family planning messages among post-delivery women in Nigeria: testing the structural influence model of health communication. The European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care, 24(1), 18-23.
- Woods, H., Haruna, U., Konkor, I., & Luginaah, I. (2019). The influence of the Community‐based Health Planning and Services (CHPS) program on community health sustainability in the Upper West Region of Ghana. The International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 34(1), e802-e816.