Elyse Comeau
PhD Candidate
Dr. Timothy Ross & Ron Buliung, supervisors
Research and Professional Interests
My research interests include transportation policy and planning, transportation equity, and accessible design. My doctoral research focuses on the intersection of transportation planning and accessibility, with a particular focus on disability. I also work as a research affiliate in the Engagement and Planning for Inclusive Communities (EPIC) Lab at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital. Previous professional experience includes working as an urban planner for a Toronto-based land use planning consultancy. My masters research focused on automated vehicles and their future impacts on land use planning and policy-making.
Honours and Awards
- CGDS Anti-Ableist Research Fund, Small Grants Award (2023)
- Mitacs Globalink Research Award - UK Research and Innovation (2023)
- SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship (2022)
- Kimel Family Graduate Student Scholarship in Pediatric Disability Research (2021)
- Faculty of Arts & Science Top Doctoral Fellowship (2021)
- International Doctoral Cluster Studentship (Cities & Infrastructure), University of Toronto and Manchester (2021)
- Ontario Graduate Scholarship, Masters (2017)
- Comeau, E., Kelly, S., Hamdani, Y., and Ross, T. 2023. Disabled people’s accessible taxi experiences in Toronto, Canada. Travel Behaviour and Society. (In Press).
- Comeau, E., Sweet, M. and Birnbaum, L. 2021. Shifting Gears for the Automated Vehicle: Findings from Focus Groups in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area. Journal of Urban Technology, 28(3), 117-140.
Social Media Profiles
PhD Candidate in Planning, University of Toronto (2021-)
M.Pl., Toronto Metropolitan University (2018)
B.A. Political Science and Human Geography, University of Toronto (2015)