Nicole Laliberte
Mailing Address:
3359 Mississauga Road
Mississauga ON L5L 1C6
Professor Laliberté’s research interests and teaching include topics at the intersection of geography, feminist theory, ecofeminism, and critical development studies. Her studies of systems of violence and non-violent strategies to address violence include research into the intersections of militarism, development, and human rights in post-war northern Uganda, as well as violence in institutions of higher learning in North America.
Selected Publications
Fukuzawa, Sherry, Veronica King-Jamieson, Nicole Laliberte, and Darci Belmore. (2020) Community-engaged Learning (CEL): Integrating Anthropological Discourse with Indigenous Knowledge. Teaching Anthropology. Vol. 9 (2): 43-50.
Fem-Mentee Collective (AL. Bain, R. Baker, N. Laliberté, A. Milan, W. Payne, L. Ravensbergen, D. Saad) (2017) “Emotional masking and spill-outs in the neoliberalized university: a feminist geographic perspective on mentorship.” Journal of Geography in Higher Education. 41(4): 590-607.
Laliberté, N. and Schurr, C. (2015) “The Stickiness of Emotions in the Field: Complicating feminist methodologies.” Gender, Place and Culture. 23(1): 72-78.
Dowler, L., Cuomo, D., and Laliberté, N. (2013) “Challenging ‘The Penn State Way’: a feminist response to institutional violence in higher education.” Gender, Place and Culture. 21(3): 387-394.