Research Opportunity Projects (ROPs)

The Research Opportunity Program (ROP) provides students in the second to fourth year with the chance to participate in the research of a faculty member while earning course credit. Students in the program have the valuable opportunity to become involved in hands-on, cutting-edge research, working one-on-one with the University's leading faculty members across a range of academic units. Through the ROP, you will gain practical skills and knowledge that can be applied to careers or toward future graduate studies. You will use your experiences to build strong relationships with instructors, learn about exciting new developments in their research field, and explore new areas of interest. 

ROP Projects for Summer 2023 and Fall/Winter 2023-2024

The program description and application portal for Summer 2023 and Fall/Winter 2023-2024 ROP Projects are available at Experiential Education Unit  .

Application deadline: March 6, 2023

Environment (ENV399Y5)

Summer 2023

Fall/Winter 2023-2024

  • Role of Private Land in Canada's 30x30 Conservation Commitment - Dr. Andrea Olive

Note:  More projects are coming. Please check with Experiential Education Unit for the latest information.