Frequently Asked Questions


Can I take a course for "CR/NCR" (credit/no credit) for a course in my ECO program? 

Normally, a “CR/NCR” course cannot be used towards program completion; however, there is an exception to this policy during the Winter 2020 term ONLY for all undergraduate Y and S courses (including courses with no final exams). With the exception, students can use the “CR/NCR” option for any course(s), and they will be counted towards programs.

See UTM Registrar’s announcement for details on the CR/NCR exception for Winter 2020:

Can I use “CR/NCR” (credit/no credit) for a course that has a minimum grade requirement for program entry or pre-requisite?

Normally, a “CR/NCR” course cannot be used towards program entry; however, there is an exception to this policy during the Winter 2020 term ONLY.

Students who choose the “CR/NCR” option are still required to meet the minimum grade requirement for program entry or a course pre-requisite. The “CR” does not bypass the grade requirement.  Although there is no numeric grade on the transcript, University staff still have access to the numeric grade and will use it to verify requirements.

Program entry example:
For the Eco Major program, a minimum grade of 63% is needed in ECO100Y5. Normally students cannot use “CR” for this course if they request program entry to Economics. However, for Winter 2020, due to the exception, students can still select the “CR/NCR” option for ECO100Y5; the Department of Economics will be verifying numeric grades for each student, to ensure they meet the minimum 63% grade requirement. Students who do not meet the minimum requirement, regardless of the “CR/NCR” option, will not be invited to the Eco Major program.

Course pre-requisite example:
One of the pre-requisites for ECO375H5 is ECO220Y5 (70%). Students can still select “CR/NCR” for ECO220Y5 if they choose, but it does not bypass the requirement. Although there is no numeric grade on the transcript, University staff still have access to the numeric grade and will use it to verify requirements.

Can I take a course without the pre-requisites, or as take it as a co-requisite?

No. Students must meet the pre-requisites and/or co-requisites as listed in the Academic Calendar before the first day of the term. The Department of Economics verifies pre-requisites in all courses and students who do not meet the requisites will be removed.

If you have a specific circumstance and need assistance with developing an academic plan for ECO courses, please contact the Economics Academic Advisor (see below for email).

NOTE: ECO100Y5 has no pre-requisites.

When can I request program entry?

Students can request program entry during Round 1 (spring) or Round 2 (summer). For the schedule and details, see the Registrar’s website:

If you miss Round 2 (between September 1 to March 30), and you meet the program entry requirements, please contact the Economics Academic Advisor to request late entry (see below for email).

How many students are accepted into Economics programs?

All students who meet the program entry requirements are accepted into Economics Programs.

For full details on program entry requirements see the Academic Calendar:

I did not obtain a grade of 63% in ECO100Y5. What are my options now?

In order to continue studies in Economics in second year, students need to achieve a minimum of 63% in ECO100Y5. There are no exceptions to this requirement. If you did not achieve this requirement, you may need to consider alternate program options.

Can I repeat ECO100Y5?

If you completed the ECO100Y5 credit but did not achieve 63% (i.e. achieved 50-62%), then you must request permission to repeat the course, by submitting an online request to the UTM Registrar (Course Enrolment Exception Form). The Registrar decides which students are eligible to repeat a course (not the Department of Economics). For more information on repeating courses, and Second attempt for credit, see the Registrar’s website: https://www.utm.utoronto.ca/registrar/

If you did not complete the ECO100Y5 credit (i.e. achieved 0-49%, “NCR” or “LWD”), and you have decided you want to retake the course to attempt to complete the course and achieve 63%, you can enroll as usual on ACORN. You do not require special permission to enroll in the course.

If you are repeating or retaking a course, it is a good idea to book an appointment at the RGASC (Robert Gillespie Academic Skills Centre), in order to address skills such as study habits, time management, and test writing, before you begin a second enrollment in the same course.

If I take a course at St. George campus, will it count towards my ECO program at UTM?

Courses taken at STG (St. George campus) and UTM will both count towards your ECO program at UTM as long as they are not exclusions (see note below).

ECO100Y5(63%) is equivalent to ECO101H1(63%) + ECO102H1(63%). Note: Minimum grade is required in EACH course – not an average.

Most 200-level courses are equivalent, including ECO200Y1, ECO202Y1 and ECO220Y1, ECO206Y1, ECO208Y1, and ECO227Y1.

Note on Exclusions: some UTM courses at the 300/400-level have exclusions with different course numbers at STG, so it is a good idea to check with the Economics Academic Advisor before taking a 300/400 level course at STG.

I have a question that is not answered in the above FAQs. Who can I contact for assistance?

If you have read these FAQs, and still have questions about ECO programs or courses, you can contact the Economics Academic Advisor, Kayla Forrester at advisor.utmeconomics@utoronto.ca