ERS325 - Field Camp I

ERS325: Field Camp – Dates TBC – but will a total of 13 days between 1st to 15th May 2025, plus one day at UTM on 28th April


ERS325: Field Camp is a ~2 week field program set in Northern Ontario, focused around Whitefish Falls. You will be part of a group of UTM and St. George students who study the geology of the Canadian Shield, Huronian Group rocks, and the Palaeozoic Sediments, that dominate the landscape of Manatoulin Island, Elliot Lake, Sudbury and the area around Espanola.

To be eligible for ERS325, you need to:

  • Have finished your second or third year of your program.
  • Have completed ERS202 (Structural Geology) and ERS201 (Earth Materials). We also recommend ERS211 (Sedimentology and Stratigraphy), ERS225 (Field Methods) and ERS203 (Magmatic Systems and Igneous Petrology), but you will still be accepted to the course if you have not taken these courses.
  • Be enrolled as an Earth Science Specialist, Major or Minor, or a Paleontology Major.
  • Be able to attend the entire trip, and be physically able to walk long distances over uneven ground.
  • Complete the Expression of Interest form (see end of page) by the 28th March
  • Pay the required cost ($675) along with your tuition via Acorn – Minimum Payment Deadline is April 21st 2025
  • Complete the H&S and Emergency contact form (will be sent to those who have completed the Expression of Interest form, have been accepted into the course and paid the minimum fees).

You do not need any previous field trip experience. 

The 2025 ERS325 trip will be held over 13 days between the 1st and 15th May. The exact dates will be confirmed once accommodation is confirmed, and will not likely go beyond the dates set here. However you should not plan any activities in the 2 days before or after the trip in case of unforeseen delays in returning to Toronto and Mississauga.

In addition, there will be a one-day training bootcamp trip on UTM campus on Monday 28th April. Attendance on the bootcamp trip is required, as some of the course mark is associated with this.

Cost for trip

The cost for the trip, on top of tuition, is $675 which must be paid with tuition. You will need to pay for tuition and associated ancillary fees in advance of the departure on the trip. This covers the accommodation and transport for the entire trip. However, you will need to arrange your own food for the trip. We will make frequent stops at large supermarkets throughout the trip for you to purchase the food you will need. 

The field camp will be based at Whitefish Falls, at the Bay River Lodge and Fishing Camp ( Accommodation will be in cabins, with between 4 and 8 people per cabin (depending on overall numbers on the trip). The cabins are rustic, but are heated, have a full bathroom with heated water in each, and power. There is internet at the lodge, but not in each of the cabins; however we cannot guarantee that the internet at the lodge will work when we are there. Cell reception is variable but generally poor around the camp; some carriers have better reception than others. The cabins will also have all cooking utensils and dishes required for the week.

Experiential Learning Bursary

As a field course, enrollment and attendance to ERS325 may mean you are eligible to receive an experiential learning bursary to help offset the cost of the course as well as potentially some of the required items listed above. You can find out more information, as well as apply for the EL bursary here: We encourage all students in the course to apply for a bursary.

Required / Recommended Equipment

You will need to bring these things with you. Equipment in bold is required for the fieldwork – if you do not have this at the start of the trip, you may not be allowed on the trip. If you do not have them – borrow, rent, or buy them:

  • Boots with ankle protection (i.e. a boot, not a shoe or sneaker). You will be walking considerable distances over the course of the trip, so you will want lightweight, comfortable walking boots. Ankle protection is required – in the event that you trip or fall, ankle protection will stop you from breaking your ankle. Steel caps are not required. Buy the best boots you can afford.
  • A waterproof jacket (+/- rain pants). In the event of wet weather, we will still go out in the field. A waterproof jacket made of good quality material (such as Gore-tex or similar) will keep you dry, which will keep you warm, which will make you more comfortable. Borrow from a friend or a family member if you can, or buy the best you can afford. Do not rely on a non-waterproof jacket that might suffice for short walks in the city.
  • Outdoor clothes for both warm and sunny (think ~20oC) or cold and snowing (<0oC). Remember that wool and synthetics keep you warm even when wet, while cotton will be cold. Avoid denim jeans. Jeans are notoriously bad for soaking up water and losing heat. It is a good strategy to dress in layers – many thinner layers is better than a couple of thick layers. We also recommend wool hiking socks, as wool prevents the formation of blisters.
  • Water bottles that can hold at least 2 liters – reuse a plastic water/soda/pop bottle if needed.
  • A day pack which can hold your rain jacket (and rain pants), warm layers, water, and lunch. This does not need to be fancy, but it does need to be comfortable as you will be wearing it ALL day. If it doesn’t come with a rain cover, then consider placing a large plastic bag or a garbage bag inside your day pack to ensure your belongings stay dry.
  • A sleeping bag, or duvet, and pillow case. The cabins will provide basic sheets and pillows, but as the nights can be cold (and while the cabins are heated, the nights can still be quite cold) you should plan to bring your own sleeping bag, blanket or duvet.
  • A broad-rimmed hat (UV/sun exposure can be high), a woolly hat, gloves and scarf.
  • Waterproof sunscreen and insect repellent. The sun can be very strong, especially if you are out all day. We are usually early enough in the season that mosquitos / black fly are not a problem, but bring some along if you have it, just in case.
  • Casual clothes for around camp. We cannot guarantee that laundry facilities will be available at the lodge, so it is advisable to bring a sufficient supply of clothes for the duration of the camp. However, you will be able to hand wash clothes in your own cabins.
  • Toiletries and towel. Towels are not provided by the campsite, and you will need to bring your own toiletries.
  • Stationary equipment:
    • Pencil for making notes in the field. A mechanical pencil is best – it never needs to be sharpened, and produces a thin line which is great for drawing and sketching. Spare leads should also be purchased.
    • Coloured pencils (+ sharpener) – these are needed for the assessments, so are not optional
    • Eraser
    • Ruler
    • Protractor
    • A thin black and red ink pen – also needed for assessments
    • Anything else that you have used in ERS202 you should also bring along – there will not be an opportunity for you to borrow or buy any extra things that you forget during the trip – so bring anything that you have used in labs in the past semester.

We will provide you with the necessary geological field gear – notebooks, geological compass, hammer (when required) and hand lens, and all necessary paper for assessments. A notebook for you to write notes or plans when back at camp will be useful however.

Expression of Interest form

If you are interested in taking the course in 2025, please fill out the form here by 14th March.