On this page:
- Erindale Chemical and Physical Sciences Society (ECPSS)
- J. Tuzo Wilson Geology Club (JTWGC)
- UTM Physics Club
- UTM Paleontology Club (UPC)
- UTM - Earth Science Group
Erindale Chemical and Physical Sciences Society (ECPSS)

ECPSS is a student-led academic society that strives to create a community where students connect with one another and are exposed to the various opportunities and services offered at UTM.
ECPSS hopes to connect students through social events such as Meet the Grad Night or p Day, where students get the opportunity to meet and network with graduates, or the pleasure of enjoying sweet treats with science puns while socializing with fellow undergrads. Events such as the ROP Night and Meet the Prof are meant to expose students to research and professional opportunities on campus and improve faculty-student interaction in a more informal setting.
ECPSS also works to provide academic support through various resources. Not only are we working on providing the largest bank of past tests for the Chemical and Physical Sciences Department, but we also provide academic guidance through events like STEM SOS, where you can get advice from upper year students on navigating your degree, writing lab reports and much more. Our faculty are also involved in such foundational programming – for example, through the Excel Skills Workshop to be run in the Winter semester.
If you'd like to stay updated with the events and services we provide, let’s connect!
- Facebook: facebook.com/ecpsutm
- Instagram: @ecpsutm
- Twitter: @ecpsutm
- Join our Discord Server: https://discord.gg/tXCd3k8RjX
- For any questions, email us at ecpss@utmsu.ca
J. Tuzo Wilson Geology Club (JTWGC)

The purpose and objectives of this organization is to give students a hub for social interaction revolving around topics in Geology and related fields. Through the club, members will be able to expand their knowledge while meeting peers with similar interests. This will be done through help sessions preceding tests, group discussions, and various social and academic events that will provide entertainment and socializing opportunities. Through the successful planning and execution of these events, we hope to foster a sense of community within the broader context of the UTM Earth Science program.
For more information on club activities and events, visit us at the J. Tuzo Wilson Geology Club Facebook page and follow us on Instagram @jtwgeoclub.
If you wish to get in touch with us, we can be contacted at jtwgeoclub@utmsu.ca.
University of Toronto Mississauga Physics Club

The UTM Physics Club (PC) was founded in 2014 to provide students with an opportunity to discover and experience physics in a cooperative and inspiring environment. The club engages in a set of diverse activities which include field trips, constructing and developing technical projects, providing an inclusive and inspiring atmosphere for students to meet and share their knowledge with others and much more.
Our main goals include:
- providing a space where students are not bound by academic restraints and are able to explore their interest in various areas of physics.
- fostering a relationship between faculty, students and industries
- providing students with knowledge and skills that will benefit them in their later academic career.
No prior knowledge or skills are necessary, and anyone with a passion for Physics is welcome to join. The Club meets weekly in the undergraduate Physics lab (DV1109). For more information regarding club activities as well as the time of future events and meetings, please visit our Facebook page, our Instagram, or send us an email to physics@utmsu.ca.
Visit our webpage for more information and to view our calendar of events.
UTM Paleontology Club (UPC)

Join the UTM Paleontology Facebook group to connect with undergraduate students, teaching assistants, graduate students, professors and professionals in Paleontology.
The UTM Paleontology Club hopes to grow the paleontology program and student community at UTM through hosting events, connecting peers/professors and assisting students with finding research opportunities in undergrad and beyond. We are planning multiple events throughout this academic year, including a ‘Meet the Paleontologists’ night, a research skills workshop series, an online scavenger hunt, among others. Fossil Fridays is one of our initiatives to expand the general paleontology education available online, involving posting facts and student fossil photography.
Our executive committee is an accumulation of Earth Science, Paleontology, and Biology students with experience in student club management and paleontological research who hope to provide insight to upcoming students in this subject area.
The UTM Paleontology Facebook group will aim to increase paleontology-focused opportunities and to:
- find research or ROP students,
- post about projects, job opportunities, and scholarships,
- and share information about newly published research, upcoming conferences and other events.
For more information on club activities and events, visit us at the UTM Paleontology Facebook page and follow us on Instagram @utm.paleo.
You can also get in touch with us via email at paleontology@utmsu.ca.
UTM - Earth Science Group
If you wish to stay up-to-date with earth science-related matters, join the Facebook group! This group is a place for UTM Earth Science enthusiasts to post news and opportunities.