Fraser Code
Mailing Address:
3359 Mississauga Road
Mississauga ON L5L 1C6
In-vivo NMR of Bone Fluorides
Fluorine is an important trace nutrient whose ions accumulate in the body as substitutional impurities replacing hydroxyl groups in bone mineral. On the Erindale Campus of the University of Toronto, we have developed a non-invasive NRM method for determining the bone fluoride content of index fingers. In-vivo NMR bone fluoride and bone phosphorus measurements have potential medical applications with regard to the diagnosis and treatment of various metabolic bone diseases.
Medical Physics
My current activities in medical physics include serving as a Community Member on the Research Ethics Review Board of a teaching Hospital affiliated with the University of Toronto
"In vivo analysis of bone fluoride content via NMR", M.E. Ebifegha, R.F. Code, J.E. Harrison, K.G. McNeill and M. Szyjkowski, Physics in Medicine and Biology 32, 439-451 (1987).
"In-vivo 19F spin relaxation in index finger bones", R.F. Code, J.E. Harrison, K.G. McNeill and M. Szyjkowski, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 13, 358-369 (1990).
"Field Dependence of 19F NMR in rat bone powders", R.F. Code, N. Gelman, R.L. Armstrong, R. Hallsworth, C. Lemaire and P.-T. Cheng, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 1271-1286 (1990).
"Concentration Dependence of Fluorine Impurity Spin-Lattice Relaxation Rate in Bone Mineral", R.F. Code, R.L. Armstrong, R.S. Hallsworth, C. Lemaire, and P.-T. Cheng, Physics in Medicine and Biology 37, 211-221 (1992).
"NMR Spin Echo Study of 19F Environments in Rat Bone Mineral", N. Gelman and R.F. Code, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 96, 290-302 (1992).
"A Simple Model of Spin-Echo Formation in Polycrystalline Fluorapatite", N. Gelman and R.F. Code, Journal of Magnetic Resonance A 107 (No. 2), 185-193 (1994).
"Concentration Dependence of 19F nuclear magnetic resonance decay shapes and second moments in bone mineral", N. Gelman and R.F. Code, SOLID STATE Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 14, 191-201 (1999).
"Stories from the early days of quantum mechanics", by Isidor Isaac Rabi (transcribed and edited by R. Fraser Code), Physics Today, August 2006, pp 36-41.