Wagih Ghobriel
Mailing Address:
3359 Mississauga Road
Mississauga ON L5L 1C6
Research Areas:

Neutron Transport Theory. Nuclear Reactor Physics. Nuclear Radiation Interaction with Matter. Biological Effects of Radiation. Some Topics in Mathematical Physics. Physics Education Research
Recent: “Physics Education Research” as “implementing multimedia in teaching physics” and “improving the learning experience in physics education”. ROP Research Projects in “Health Physics” as “Nuclear Radiation Interaction with Matter” and “Biological Effects of Radiation”.
Teaching Strategies and Innovative Teaching Methods:
The following teaching methods (schools) are in use:
Strategy of Discussion (Socrates method): through in-class talks, posting puzzling questions or situations followed by class discussions and answers.
Strategy of Demonstrations: a lot of demonstrations and toys are being used; some of them are being made by myself. Typical examples for the hand-made demonstrations are the roller coaster and various fluid mechanics experiments.
Strategy of Investigation/Inquiry: by encouraging the students to search by themselves and enjoy the positivity of learning by inquiry through extending their search to the internet, the library, and other sources of information.
Extensive use of animations and simulations.: what happens in class is that I follow the given link to the sited animation or simulation, display it on the screen, and start to change some variables to show the students the effect of changing certain variable on the others. In fact, these animations proved to be attractive and helping the students to grasp the ideas faster than lengthy arguments or theoretical proofs.
Clear, attractive and detailed lecture notes or Power Point slides are given and posted on the web site of the course together with many other helping facilities.
Courses Taught:
PHY136H5, PHY137H5, PHY242H5, PHY245H5, and PHY324H5 (undergraduate)
El-Meshad Y., S. Morsy, and W. A. Wassef, 1976, “An approach to the calculation of the linear extrapolation distance on the surface of a two-dimensional absorber”. Atomkernenergie (ATKE) Vol. 28, No. 4, 271-275.
Bassini A., F. Premuda and W. A. Wassef, 1977, “An algorithm based on factorized kernel Legendre expansion for the solution of the system of integral equations governing the stationary anisotropic transport of monoenergetic neutrons in a rectangular parallelepiped”. Italian Atomic Energy Authority, ENEA, Rome, RT/FI (14).
Bassini A., F. Premuda and W. A. Wassef, 1979, “Factorized kernels and the DKPL solution to the third form of the neutron transport equation in a rectangular parallelepiped”. Nuclear Science and Engineering, Vol. 71, No. 2, 87-99.
Nagy M. E., M. E. Sawan, W. A. Wassef and L. A. El-Guebaly, 1981, “Asymptotic time dependent neutron transport in multi-dimensional systems”. Atomkernenergie (ATKE), Vol. 38, No. 2, 109-114.
Nagy M. E., L. A. El-Guebaly, W. A. Wassef and M. E. Sawan, 1981, “Energy dependent neutron transport in multi-dimensional systems”. The Bulletin of the Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University, Vol. XIX-1980, No. 1.
Wassef W. A., 1982, “Numerical development and investigation of the factorized kernel approach for solving multi-dimensional neutron transport problems”. Nuclear Science and Engineering. Vol. 80, No. 4, 714-720.
Premuda F. and W. A. Wassef, 1985, “Projected FPN-BN equations in a generalized Fourier transport approach to anisotropic transport calculations for spectrum, shielding and sputtering problems”. Ninth International Conference on Transport Theory, NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Montecatini Terme, Italy, June 10-14.
Premuda F. and W. A. Wassef, 1985, “SPHERE: A computer program for monoenergetic neutron transport in a spherical medium with anisotropic scattering using a projected Generalized Fourier transform method”. ENEA, Bologna, Italy. Relazione Tecnica: TIB/FICS/MATAPPL.
Wassef W. A., 1990, “Iterative calculation of the mean number of secondary neutrons per collision and the effective multiplication factor for critical reactor systems”. Arab Journal of Nuclear Science and Applications. 23-2, 169-184.
Wassef W. A. 1993, “Analysis Methods Used in Nuclear Reactor Calculations”. Symposium on “The Physics and Technology of Nuclear Reactors”. Jointly organized by the Arab Atomic Energy Agency and the Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority. Cairo 11-16 Sep, 2003.