Working in the field presents risks to participants. While the nature of these risks varies depending on the type of work and location, it is important to be familiar with relevant health and safety procedures and training requirements before going to the field.
The Earth Sciences Field Trip SOP provides health and safety procedures and guidelines to be followed in the field.
Off-Campus Safety includes helpful resources from the Environmental Health and Safety Office. This includes:
- Off-Campus Safety Planning Record is a form used to assess potential risks and how they will be addressed. This form should be reviewed by all participants and is valid for a single year. It must also be reviewed and approved by the department chair.
- Framework on Off-Campus Safety specifies guidelines which are designed to assist in the planning and execution of off-campus activities.
- Guidelines on Safety in Field Research specifies administrative guidelines and procedures to accompany the Framework on Off-Campus Safety. This includes responsibilities of Department Heads, Academic Supervisor, Team Leaders and Team Members.
- Off-Campus Safety Guidelines provides a brief outline of the types of insurances which should be considered when undertaking field research activities. Descriptions are for general information only and specific questions or concerns should be directed to the Risk Management and Insurance Department at 416-978-6478 or 416-978-7484.
For research field work activities: If you require a departmental/UofT 24/7 emergency contact person for field research expeditions, you must make arrangements with your research supervisor or PI to act as the 24/7 emergency contact person. If your supervisor is unavailable to be designated as a 24/7 emergency contact person, your supervisor will help you confirm an alterative departmental/UofT 24/7 emergency contact person.