Are there any hazards in the Earth Sciences and Physics teaching labs?

Laboratories (and workplaces in generals) have hazards that should be identified and controlled. Examples include chemical, fire, electrical, radiation, etc...

In the Earth Sciences teaching lab, examples of hazards include

  1. 10% Hydrochloric Acid (Chemical Hazard)
  2. Heavy rocks (Risk of Musculoskeletal Disorders)
  3. Malachite, cinnabar, chrysotile asbestos, and native arsenic (Toxic)
  4. Uraninite (Radioactive)

In the Physics teaching lab, examples of hazards include

  1. Confocal microscope equipped with Class 3B laser (Laser Radiation Hazard)
  2. Electrical Hazards


Who is checking that my trainings are up to date?

It is important to keep your trainings up-to-date. Your training records are verified by:

Graduate Students – Michelle Bae (Graduate Student & TA Process Coordinator) cpsgrad.utm@utoronto.ca

Postdoctoral Fellows – Financial & Administrative Coordinator cpsfinadmins.utm@utoronto.ca 

Research Associates and Appointed Staff – Marek Velits (Manager, Finance & Operations) marek.velits@utoronto.ca

Laboratory Teaching Assistants – Samer Doughan (Senior Laboratory and Safety Coordinator) samer.doughan@utoronto.ca

Core Facility – Peter Mitrakos (Core Facility Manager) peter.mitrakos@utoronto.ca