CPS Graduate Research Visit Program

CPS Graduate Research Visit Program

With research becoming increasingly international, interdisciplinary, and collaborative, the Department of Chemical and Physical Sciences (CPS) will be providing funding to support research visits of MSc and PhD students to other Canadian or International institutions. 

Student Eligibility

This competitive research visit program is open to graduate students who are affiliated at the University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM) and are supervised by a CPS faculty member.

To be appropriately identified in ROSI as 'UTM affiliated', students need to complete and submit the Campus Affiliation form on the Provost website.

Grant Purpose & Timing

Students will benefit from the opportunity for short research visits to other institutions, particularly to the laboratories of close collaborators of U of T faculty.

Cost of travel and a monthly stipend for up to 3 months are provided to fund successful students to travel to research institutions within Canada or internationally.

Applicants can plan their visit for a few weeks to more than 3 months; however, those who wish to visit for longer than 3 months need to indicate this in the application form and get approval from their research supervisor.   

The granting year for this program runs from July 1st, 2024 - December 31st, 2024 and students may be awarded up to a maximum of $5,000 ($2,500 from the department with a matching fund of $2,500 from their faculty supervisor). Please note, applicants whose visit will last longer than the amount funded are responsible for seeking additional funding. Also, visit must be completed with all the expenses claimed before January 2025. 

Application Process & Deadlines

Interested applicants must submit below to the Adjudication Committee at cpsgrad.utm@utoronto.ca. Deadline to apply is Monday, July 8, 2024.

  1. CPS Graduate Research Visit Program application
  2. a proposal (following the APA format guidelines) outlining what work you will do or skills you will acquire during your visit, why you cannot do this work or acquire these skills at UTM, how the work will fit into your research program, and what you will be able to contribute to the CPS community upon your return
  3. proposed budget outlining travel and living expenses (e.g., accommodation, per diem)
  4. support letter from the host
  5. support letter from your research supervisor with written approval for the planned visit as well as the commitment of supplementary/matching funds and their account details (i.e., CC/CFC)
  6. CV


All completed applications will be reviewed by the adjudicating committee, and the best 2 applicants will be awarded the grant for this program. If the total sum of grant requests exceeds the allowable funding, preference will be given to:

  1. Applicants who have not received this funding in previous years;
  2. Applicants whose graduate department doesn't already offer similar/the same program;
  3. Applicants who have a clear justification for their proposal in terms of the work they will do, why it cannot be completed at UTM, how it will fit into and enhance their research program, and how their work will benefit CPS.

Safety Abroad Registration

Students planning to participate in conferences held outside of Canada MUST be registered with UofT’s Safety Abroad Database. Dates for the Safety Abroad Workshop and instructions on registration can be found by visiting UofT’s Safety Abroad Office’s website - http://safetyabroad.utoronto.ca/ 

Summary of steps required to complete your registration:

Expense Eligibility & Reimbursement

Expense reimbursement claims must be in accordance with the Travel and Other Reimbursable Expenses - Policies and Guidelines at University of Toronto. For a quick reference list for expense reimbursements, please follow this check list. 

Upon trip completion, students must submit an expense reimbursement claim for the eligible expenses incurred. The claim must be supported by original receipts/proof of payment (itemized and in the order of presentation on the claim form), boarding passes and the conference program. The expense claim form and detailed instructions on how to claim an expense reimbursement are available on the UofT Financial Services website. 

Please submit your completed expense reimbursement claim form and the supporting documents (i.e., original receipt/proof of payment) to the Financial and Administrative Coordinator at cpsfinadmin.utm@utoronto.ca for processing.