Prof. Marc Johnson wins NSERC’s E.W.R Steacie Memorial Fellowships

Prof. Marc Johnson
EWR Steacie
E.W.R Steacie
photo credit Histhrill

The Department of Biology at University of Toronto Mississauga is proud to announce that Prof. Marc Johnson has won the NSERC's E.W.R. Steacie Memorial Fellowship.

NSERC’s E.W.R Steacie Memorial Fellowships honour the memory of Dr. Edgar William Richard Steacie, an outstanding chemist and research leader who made major contributions to the development of science in Canada during, and immediately following, World War II. Read more about Dr. Edgar William Richard Steacie here.

The Fellowships are awarded to enhance the career development of outstanding and highly promising university faculty who are earning a strong international reputation for original research.

Marc Johnson
Prof. Marc Johnson
photo credit: Li Sylvie NSERC

Prof. Marc Johnson is internationally recognized as one of the world’s leading evolutionary ecologists. He has made seminal contributions to our understanding of the interplay between ecological and evolutionary processes and patterns. Most importantly, his research has played a central role in the creation of several subdisciplines, a highly unusual accomplishment for a young scientist, while simultaneously revising our understanding of long-standing research areas in ecology and evolutionary biology.

Prof. Johnson’s approach to evolutionary ecology combines large-scale experiments with chemistry, genomics, quantitative genetics, phylogenetics and statistical modeling. This eclectic vision has already restructured our view of an impressive breadth of important biological questions including: How do cities affect the evolution of species? Does evolution shape the ecology of communities and ecosystems? How do hosts evolve defenses against parasites? What are the evolutionary consequences of sexual reproduction? Johnson has addressed these questions using the interactions between plants, animals and microbes as models to test theory and established paradigms, while proposing new hypotheses to explain several of the unexpected findings that have emerged on the ecology and evolution of species.

Prof. Marc Johnson is the very best of a new generation of biologists. He has established himself as a world leader, evidenced by his publications, grants, awards, mentoring of young scientists, and leadership in interdisciplinary research and training.

Please join us in congratulating Prof. Marc Johnson on winning this impressive award!
