UTM Biology PhD Candidate is the Co-Founder of a New Educational Gaming Project

Exciting things are being created by UTM Biology members!!!
PhD Candidate, Ferne Kotlyar, alongside software developer, Adrien Givry, has co-founded Heliconia Interactive -- a new educational game program aimed to help students in learning biology in an encouraging way. Two UTM Biology professors are also providing assistance in this project, Prof. Chatfield and Prof. Richter.
Ferne says, "As a video-game developer and an ecology PhD candidate, we are bringing technology to ecology by developing video games for the classroom. In collaboration with Dr. Richter and Dr. Chatfield, we are currently developing video games that connect students with class content in a setting that allows students to explore without fear of failing."
Way to go, Ferne and team! We are so proud and super excited to see where this project goes. 🎮🌳🌍💙