With a career that has thrived at the forefront of technological innovation, Monique Crichlow has extensive experience supporting transformational projects and brings with her expertise and skill in the areas of policy development, strategic planning, and multi-sector stakeholder engagement. Crichlow is the executive director of the Schwartz Reisman Institute, a research and solutions hub at the University of Toronto focused on powerful new technologies like artificial intelligence. Previously, Crichlow was the Director of Strategic Engagement & Partnerships at Indoc Research, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to driving scientific innovation and research excellence. Prior to this role, she led strategic initiatives at Compute Ontario, a publicly funded organization that coordinates supercomputing for research. She has spent the last six years heavily focused and invested in promotion and use of advanced research technologies.

Monique Crichlow
Executive Director, Schwartz Reisman Institute for Technology and Society