From leveraging data-driven approaches in retailing and revenue management to developing computational models from language data on social media, BDAIH researchers in residence engage in world-class research across all disciplines and make ground-breaking contributions to their respective fields.

Research Opportunities at BIGDataAIHUB
Data Science Certificate
Take the lead in the data science revolution by obtaining the upskilling certificate from the University of Toronto Data Sciences Institute (DSI). Enhance your professional skills and shape your future by learning to extract relevant information from data and apply the core principles of data analysis.
Master the most popular data analysis tools and become part of a prosperous industry by leveraging your analytical and problem-solving abilities. Upgrade your skills with data sources, statistics, predictive analytics, and business framing and get ready to be a sought-after big data or data science professional.
Learn More about why the Data Science Certificate may be right for you.
DSI Data Science Certificate
Degree Earned
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Summer Undergraduate Data Science (SUDS) Opportunities Program
Through the SUDS Opportunities Program, students at the undergraduate level interested in discovering data science as a possible career can take advantage of the chance to engage in practical research led by members of the Data Sciences Institute faculty and experts across the three campuses at the University of Toronto.
The SUDS Opportunities Program provides a fantastic opportunity to get involved in a high-quality and educational data science experience and to explore the utilization of data science techniques and tools in many different application areas.