Big Data and AI Events

Innovation Complex Rotunda at the University of Toronto, Mississauga Campus

Sharing research, tools, and methods related to big data and AI

The BIGDataAIHUB brings together students, staff, faculty, alumni and members of the broader community. Join the BIGDataAIHUB in a series of events, including seminars and workshops, speaker events and more, with the goal of sharing research, tools, and methods related to big data and AI.

The BIGDataAIHUB is pleased to partner with IMIx, Scotiabank, STEMFellowship, ICUBE and other stakeholders from across the tri-campus and in the community.  Partnerships are key for learning, development and sharing of knowledge, and we welcome engagement from all.

To learn more about partnerships, please reach out to Irene Wiecek, Director, BIGDataAIHUB at

2025 Fighting Crime with Big Data & Artificial Intelligence Conference: Catching Bad Actors Engaged in the Production and Distribution of Fentanyl

IMI BIGDataAIHUB Fighting Crime with Big Data & Artificial Intelligence Conference

This year’s conference will address the Fentanyl Crisis and the efforts by law enforcement and others to identify those involved in the production and distribution of this drug.  Fentanyl has become a critical public health emergency. It is 50 times more potent than heroin and 100 times more potent than morphine. Just 2 milligrams, equivalent to a few grains of salt, can be lethal. This extreme potency has led to a surge in accidental overdoses and in excess of 70,000 deaths per year in North America, devastating families and overwhelming healthcare systems. The crisis affects people of all ages and backgrounds, highlighting the urgent need for comprehensive solutions.

Register & learn more

robot hand

IMI BIGDataAIHUB Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Competition

A multi-faceted competition designed as a developmental opportunity for students to gain hands-on exposure to big data and AI. Register and compete for $30,000 in prize money.


IMI BIGDataAIHUB Seminar Series - open to all

IMI BIGDataAIHUB Seminar Series

Open to everyone, the Seminar Series is designed as a learning and developmental opportunity to gain knowledge and hands-on exposure to big data and artificial intelligence.

Learn more about the seminar series





Past Events

Revisit event highlights, catch recorded sessions, connect with subject-matter experts and get firsthand experience with the latest in AI and big data for business strategy.

collision workshop

Collision Conference Workshop        

June 28, 2022

Join our MMPA students as they share insights and learnings from attending the Collision conference, North America’s fastest-growing tech conference, as it brings together Fortune 500 companies...

2022 IMI Big Data And Artificial Intelligence Case Competition for All UofT Students

2022 IMI Big Data & Artificial Intelligence Case Competition

November - March, 2022

The 2022 IMI Big Data & Artificial Intelligence Case Competition is a multi-faceted competition designed as a developmental opportunity for students to gain hands-on exposure to big data and AI...

2021 IMI Big Data And Artificial Intelligence Case Competition for Graduate UofT Students

2021 IMI Big Data & Artificial Intelligence Case Competition

November - March, 2021

The combination of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence is reshaping the way we think, work, and live. New career opportunities are emerging, and traditional ones are being transformed or eliminated...


MMPA 2020: AI and Machine Learning for Complex Business Decision Making

November 20, 2020

This conference explores applications of AI and Machine Learning in different business and social contexts. We invited a group of world AI experts and industry leaders to share their visions...

algorithm is the message

The Algorithm is the Message

October 22, 2020

This BIGDataAIHUB Talk Series features Erin Kelly, CPA and CEO of Advanced Symbolics Inc., in discussing algorithms in common use today and the risks of using them...


2020 Big Data & AI Case Competition

January 25 - March 28, 2020

Students work with real data to: “Recommend a process that employs big data and artificial intelligence in identifying whether clients are engaged in money laundering, specifically as it relates to human trafficking”.  

power ai

Power Business Intelligence Workshop

October 30, 2019

This hands-on workshop taught faculty and staff to use the data analytics and data visualization capabilities of Power BI.


Artificial Intelligence in Accounting

November 15, 2019

The Master of Management & Professional Accounting Program (MMPA)'s annual conference was dedicated to exploring the impact of AI on the accounting profession.

lightning talks

BIGDataAIHub Lightning Lunch

November 20, 2019

In collaboration with the new UTM Collaborative Digital Research Space, BDAIH hosted a lightning lunch featuring presentations by faculty and librarians from across UTM.