Learning Strategies and Academic Life Strategies
Effective learning strategies do not happen overnight. It is an ongoing process, and we can help you develop strategies to make the most of your university learning experience.
As a student registered with Accessibility Services, you have access to one-on-one support for various learning strategies including:
- time management
- task management
- motivation/procrastination
- assignment planning
- study skills
- reading and writing skills
- note-taking
- goal setting
- and more
After registering with Accessibility Services and consulting with your Accessibility Advisor, you may receive a referral to the Learning Strategist and/or the Academic Life Strategist. They can help you develop effective strategies based on your disability-related needs.
Speak with your Accessibility Advisor or our Front Desk team for more information: 905-569-4699 or email access.utm@utoronto.ca.
Tri-Campus Toolkit for Students with Disabilities
We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new U of T tri-campus website dedicated to empowering students with disabilities through effective learning strategies. Empower. Educate. Excel.
Website: Learning Strategies: Tri-Campus Toolkit for Students with Disabilities