Submitting Test/Exam Requests

All students registered with Accessibility Services and who are approved for test/exam accommodations must submit their test/exam requests using the Accessibility Information Management System (AIMS)

Test and Exam Period Registration Deadlines

Final Exam Period
(April 2025)
Friday, March 21, 2025
at 4:30 PM

Test Booking

  1. Book your tests/quizzes according to the course syllabus. Book your tests/quizzes into AIMS no later than 14 days before your test date. 
  2. If you have missed the 14-day deadline, please complete the form below and submit it to  Please note that we are unable to guarantee that you will receive your accommodations for a late request.

       UTM AS Test Exam Late Add Registration Form (Adobe PDF)

If you are having trouble booking your tests/quizzes, please clear your browsing history and reopen your browser.  Please note that if you change your lecture section, you will have to re-submit your test booking request.


Final Exam Booking

  1. Please book your final exams into AIMS by the deadline. Your entry will be removed from your ‘upcoming events’ and your accommodations will be forwarded your instructor.
  2. Please ensure that you select the 'schedule a FINAL EXAM' from the menu only. Do not select the 'schedule a TEST, MID-TERM or QUIZ' link as that is only for in-class tests and quizzes. If you select a test or mid-term request for a final exam, you may not be scheduled accurately.

If you are having trouble booking your Final Exam, please clear your browsing history and reopen your browser.

Deferred Exam Booking

  1. If you are approved to write the deferred exam please forward your petition table with your new date and time and your payment status to as soon as it is approved.
  2. You can find this table on the registrar’s website in your petition. Click “View” next to each of your petitions and retrieve the table. Your payment needs to be either paid or waived for you to receive your deferred exam date and time.


Accessibility Services Test Centre (Room 1100, Davis Building)

For those students who receive test/exam accommodations please note that backpacks/bags, coats and cell phones/smart devices are not allowed in the test centre. Please leave your backpacks/bags, coats and cell phones/smart devices in your locker on campus. There are lockers available outside of the test centre however, you will need to bring your own lock to secure your belongings. 


Writing in the Accessibility Test Centre

1. ARRIVE ON TIME: Arrive at the assigned writing location and check-in with the invigilator at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time listed above.

2. LATE ARRIVAL PROCEDURE: Test and Exam Services does not compensate students for time lost due to late arrival. If you arrive at the writing location after the start time listed above, time will be deducted from your overall writing time.

3. TCARD: Bring your University of Toronto student identification card (TCard).

4. CELL PHONES AND iPODS: Students are not permitted to bring any unauthorized aids into the test/exam location, including electronic devices of any kind, unless explicitly authorized by the exam invigilator. This includes CELL PHONES and iPODS. Possession of a cell phone, iPod or other unauthorized electronic device during a test/exam is punishable under the University's Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters. Please read section under Test/Exam Policy in below link:

5. SEQUESTERING: If your scheduled test/exam time is at the same time as the start time of the regularly-scheduled class sitting, or if your scheduled test/exam time is earlier than the start time of the regularly-scheduled class sitting, you are required to remain sequestered and supervised inside the test/exam location until at least 30 minutes past the class test writing time or 30 minutes past the class exam writing time. Note that this sequestering procedure applies no matter what time you finish writing the test/exam. Please review page 16 of Test and Exam Services' student guide for detailed information about sequestering procedures and requirements.

6. PENS AND PENCILS: Bring a pen and a pencil. It is your responsibility to bring to the test/exam something with which to write.

7. WATCH (SMART WATCHES ARE NOT PERMITTED): Wear a watch to monitor the time throughout the test/exam. Students are not permitted to use cell phones or smart watches as timekeeping devices or to be in possession of these items for any reason during tests/exams.

8. SCENT-FREE AREA: Refrain from wearing scent (e.g. perfume, cologne). If you arrive wearing scent, you may not be permitted into the test/exam location.

9. FOOD & DRINKS: To ensure an allergy-free area for students who experience severe food allergies, students are allowed to bring only small snacks that are peanut and tree nut free and do not have strong odours into the Accessibility Test Centre and other Accessibility testing rooms. Students are permitted to bring a water bottle.

10. PERSONAL BELONGINGS: Leave valuable items at home. Test and Exam Services is not responsible for lost, stolen, broken or misplaced items or items left at the test/exam location.

11. LOCK: Students who have test accommodations and write their tests in the Accessibility Test Center (DV1100), will be provided with a key so they can secure their belongings in the lockers outside of the test center.  When you arrive for your test, you will be asked to sign out a key. Once you have submitted your completed test, please remove your belongings from the locker, lock it and return the key to the invigilator in DV1100. Please email if you have any questions about this process.

Test/Exam Policy

Please read the below noted:

You are reminded that you may be charged with an academic offence for possessing and accessing any unauthorized aids during the writing of a Test or Exam.

Including but not limited to the following:

  • Electronic devices with storage such as a cell phone or smart watch;
  • unauthorized calculator;
  • unauthorized webpages;
  • cheat sheets, formula sheets, textbook, course notes;
  • pencil cases, book bags or purses 

At the conclusion of the Test or Exam, if you do not stop writing at the end of your time upon notice by the invigilator, they will be required to inform your professor and academic penalties may be incurred. 

You are required to use the washroom before beginning your Test or Exam. If you request to use your breaks and/or use the washroom, please notify the invigilator and your writing time will be adjusted accordingly. You must show that you are not taking any aids to the washroom.

Please note, once your Test or Exam has begun, you CANNOT re-write it. If for any reason (health, disability, and personal concerns) you are unable to commence your Test or Examination; do not start the Test or Exam, inform the invigilator and seek the appropriate assistance immediately.

If you have begun the Test or Examination and determine that you are unable to complete (due to health, disability, personal concerns), inform the invigilator and seek the appropriate service for assistance immediately.

Please note that the University may require supporting documentation regarding your incomplete Test or Examination in order to determine next steps; this documentation should clearly state the date of the aborted Test or Examination.

If you do not understand, or agree to the above noted policy, please reach out to UTM Accessibility Test/Exam Services to discuss further at