Assessments & Reviews

Conducting assessments and reviews allows student organizations to directly engage with their membership. These present valuable opportunities to receive feedback from participants regarding how to improve on group activities. 


During the event planning process Up to 2 Weeks following Event Completion

Create survey

Remember: Assessment should be planned during the planning process. Your assessment is an opportunity to review the goals for your program/event, and read feedback on whether those goals were met.

Send out survey to participants to assess satisfaction and obtain feedback

Please note: While creating assessments, such as surveys, also consider other events that may be happening within the same timeframe and evaluate when the best timeline will be for your assessment to be conducted. For instance, surveys sent out during December and April may not be completed because students are preoccupied with final exams. 

Proper Assessment Methods

There are various ways to conduct an assessment; below, we have outlined several methods that have proven successful in assessing an activity/event/programming in question.

Creating the Assessment

First, consider how the results of the surveys will be used and frame questions based on the goals and objectives of the event because that will be the main purpose of the assessment. In addition, utilize different types of questions, such as open-ended, multiple-choice, Likert scale (least to most) questions, or 'check all that apply' questions to assess different aspects of the event.

If you are including demographic questions (eg. year of study, program, etc.), it is best to make these non-mandatory because not every participant will feel comfortable revealing personal information.

Sending out the Assessment

When sending out the survey, provide a deadline for completion, the purpose of the survey and if possible, incentives for completion (eg. gift cards or raffle draw entry).

Remember: Remind survey participants that their names and contact information will not be connected to the survey submission (assuming the survey results are anonymous).

Benefits of Assessments & Reviews

Assessments and reviews may be conducted to serve different purposes, but they provide important benefits for the organizing party. Please see the prospective benefits of conducting assessments and reviews for your own programming below:

  • Assess growth of participants from the event
  • Assess the success of the event
  • Assess how the event can be improved
  • To obtain more funding for the event or for the organization in the future based on justified and proven success found through surveys

Tips for Conducting Assessments

  • Make surveys short – This encourages participation because it does not require much of a time commitment or effort. If the survey is short, include an estimated time for completion when you send out the survey. As a pointer, the survey should only take 2-5 minutes to complete.
  • Provide incentives – Think of an incentive to provide those who participate in your survey; this could include an entry into a raffle or a small prize. This will encourage participants to participate in your survey.
  • Conduct assessments at the event  – Conducting your assessment at the end of your event will encourage more participants to complete the assessment. You can also tie this into your event by making it an activity or game.
  • Do not wait too long before sending out your survey – Do not delay in sending out your survey, as participants may have forgotten or may not be as dedicated if too long of a timeframe has already passed.

Platforms to Use

A variety of free online platforms are available for student leaders to create assessments to send out to participants, including but not limited to the following:

Survey Monkey

Survey Monkey is a free program that can be used to create professional and anonymous surveys.

Learn more about using Survey Monkey here

Google Forms

Google Forms is a free online application that can be accessed using a Google account. If your group is recognized by UTMSU, this program can be accessed using your student group's Google account.

Learn more about using Google Forms here

Microsoft Forms

All UTM students have access to the Microsoft 365 programs, so your group can easily complete a survey using this platform using a student account.

Learn more about using Microsoft Forms