- 2021 Claire G. Moses Award for the Most Theoretically Innovative Article - Dr. Jordache Ellapen
- SDS Emerging Project Grant Awarded to The Pleasure Project - Dr. Jordache Ellapen
- 2022 Recipient of the Queer African Studies Association Prize for Best Published Scholarly Essay by a Junior Scholar - Dr. Jordache Ellapen
- LGBTQ Oral History Digital Collaboratory Historians in the News
- Toronto's Pussy Palace before the police stormed in - LGBTQ Oral History Digital Collaboratory, Dr. Elspeth Brown
- What is the impact of gender and body image on post-surgery pain? - Dr. R. Cassandra Lord
- 2020 IDERD Academic & Research Award Recipient - Dr. Beverly Bain
- The Brown Photo Album: An archive of Feminist Futurity - Dr. Jordache Ellapen
- Queering Family Photography - Dr. Elspeth Brown
- WGS Faculty Members contribute to article by Maeve Doyle called The Evolution of #MeToo
- Upcoming Conference - MENA Women: From Street Protest to Online Activism
- International Women's Day 2018
- Feminist Lunchtime Talks - Indigenizing Institutions
- Feminist Lunchtime Talks - Mapping Informal Networks of Women Living with HIV
- New Undergraduate Journal! Women, Culture, & Society Undergraduate Review
- WGS & UTFA Welcome Dr. Homa Hoodfar
- Panel Discussion: "What Good is Feminism Today?" with Dr. Simalchik, Dr. Bain, Dr. Lord and UTM Feminists
- International Women's Day
- Going Public: Women in Contemporary Iran
- Women in the Middle East: From Street Protests to Virtual Networking featuring Dr. Victoria Tahmasebi
- Syrus Marcus Ware Makes the News!
- Feminist Lunch Hour - "All That You Do Changes You: Art and Activism in Toronto" with Syrus Marcus Ware
- 2016 Feminist Lunch Hour - Dr. R Cassandra Lord
- Race, Space and Sexuality: Historical Studies prof explores belonging and identity through the lens of Pelau MasQUEERade
- “Sensations of Moving Across Space and Time: Black Queer Diasporic Desire ‘On De Road’" - Dr. R. Cassandra Lord
- Gender in Wonderland: Zackary Drucker and Rhys Ernst on the Art and Play of Gender in Relationship and She Gone Rogue
- A Perfect X: Intersecting Perspectives in Transgender Film, Art, and Performance
- Reading Session: Gender and Media
- Preventing Discrimination: Gender Identity and Gender Expression Webinar
- New Faculty Profile: Professor Victoria Tahmasebi-Birgani
- Dr. Joan Simalchik - National Post