Congratulating UTM's Dean

It is with mixed emotions that we share with you that Professor Rhonda McEwen, Vice-Principal, Academic & Dean of U of T Mississauga, will be leaving for an amazing new opportunity, to be President of Victoria University in the University of Toronto.
McEwen has had a profound and positive impact in her time at UTM: as a professor and then director of the Institute of Communication, Culture, Information & Technology; as a Canada Research Chair, investigating emerging media and human-machine communication; as Special Advisor to the Vice-President & Principal on Anti-Racism and Equity; and finally, as our campus’s Dean. McEwen supported UTM’s Black Table Talks, a networking opportunity for Black students, faculty, librarians and staff; and Visions of Science, which engages youth from low-income or marginalized communities with science, technology, engineering and mathematics. In all her roles, McEwen has encouraged a culture of academic success, innovation and inclusion. We will be sad to see her depart from UTM, but we are delighted that she will lead an outstanding institution within the U of T family, and wish her tremendous success and happiness.

While the UTM community will feel the loss of McEwen’s keen intellect, passionate vision and personal warmth, we know you will all join us in wishing her the very best in her future endeavours, and in thanking Danière for her willingness to step forward and provide experienced leadership through this transition.
Thank you.
Alexandra Gillespie
Vice-President & Principal
University of Toronto Mississauga
Cheryl Regehr
Vice-President & Provost
University of Toronto