Appointment of Nicholas Rule as U of T's Vice-Provost, Academic Programs

Dear colleagues,
I’m writing to share news that some of you will have just received on other channels: Professor Nicholas Rule, vice-principal, academic, and dean at UTM since 2023, has accepted a new position as U of T’s vice-provost, academic programs, starting on 1 November 2024.
This role leans into Nick’s skills in academic policy and program development. So, though I’ll miss him as a colleague on campus, I know his work in this new position will benefit the entire tri-campus community. Congratulations, Nick.
At UTM, alongside his team and others, Nick has organized consultations toward a new academic plan, shaped work to strengthen academic advising, and supported the development of academic programs, including a proposal for the first doctoral degree based at UTM.
I’m grateful for this and for Nick’s other research, teaching, and administrative contributions at U of T, the impact of which you can read in the provost’s announcement here.
I’m grateful, too, to Dr. Daniella Mallinick, our assistant dean, who will also join the office of the vice-president and provost – on secondment as a senior strategist from this Friday through 31 December 2025.
Professor Bill Gough has generously agreed to step in as UTM’s interim vice-principal, academic, and dean, from 1 November to the end of this calendar year. Many of you know Bill from his work over much of the past ten years as vice-principal, academic, and dean at UTSC, where he extended the campus’ strengths in teaching, research, and inclusive community engagement.
I’ll be in touch again shortly to share a leadership plan for the longer term.
For now, I’ll just say thanks – to Bill, to Nick and Daniella, and to you. UTM has had some change in our academic leadership recently, with our last two appointed deans – Professors McEwen and Rule – taking key positions elsewhere at U of T. These changes can be hard, I know. I also know that they reflect the good work happening on this campus and recognize the university-wide impact our community makes.
So, thanks for everything you do to make it possible.
Alexandra Gillespie
Vice-President and Principal
University of Toronto Mississauga