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Featured Summer Course! SOC445H5S Political Sociology of Nationalism, War, and Genocide

Looking for an intriguing course to take in the second term of Summer? 
SOC445H5S Advanced Topics in Sociology: Political Sociology of Nationalism, War, and Genocide


Will Donald Trump get elected again? Why did Russia attack Ukraine? Do young people really fall down extremist rabbit holes on YouTube? Did the footballer Mo Salah make Liverpool FC fans less Islamophobic? Why are right-wing politicians in Italy obsessed with the Lord of the Rings movies? This advanced topics course on the "Political Sociology of Nationalism, War, and Genocide” will answer these and other timely questions and give students the tools to understand the root causes of many of today’s most urgent political conflicts. Students will become familiar with influential theories in political sociology and the latest cutting-edge research to develop a social scientific understanding of the current political moment and where we’re headed. Small-group discussions and presentations will prepare students for future seminars in graduate and professional schools and the class will introduce them to exciting methodological approaches applicable to their own future projects. In the end, students will come away with the ability to participate confidently in discussions of contemporary politics and current events, equipped with scientific findings and cases from around the world.

See the online timetable for details and enroll on ACORN!