The University of Toronto Mississauga is serviced by many public transit routes:
- Route 110 - University
- Route 101 - Dundas Express
- Route 1C - Dundas
- Route 44 - Mississauga Road bus routes include a stop at U of T Mississauga.
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- Route 8 - Centre stops at Square One Terminal.
- From there, take Mississauga Transit Route 24 that connects with 1C to U of T Mississauga.
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- Brampton Transit Express 199 - an express bus transit route that runs between the Brampton Gateway Terminal and UTM.
- Those residing in Brampton may find this option helpful, as it will trim at least 30-40 minutes off the one-way travel time normally encountered between these two points.
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- Route 24 - South Common Mall travels from Trafalgar VIA and GO Station to South Common Mall.
- From South Common Mall, take 1C to U of T Mississauga.