Celebrations outside Convocation Hall

In photos: UTM celebrates spring convocation

Shauna Rempel

The spring 2024 convocation season has come to a close, with hundreds of new University of Toronto Mississauga graduates joining the U of T alumni community.  

UTM grads crossed the stage of Convocation Hall in five ceremonies as part of three weeks of ceremonies. This spring’s graduating students represented 123 countries and ranged in age from 17 to 70. Some 16,000 scholars graduated this spring, with most crossing the stage in person at one of 34 ceremonies.  

Scroll on for some photo highlights from spring 2024 convocation 

convocation Service dog Max, with owner Laura Tovar, enter Convocation Hall on the University of Toronto campus.
Service dog Max, with owner and UTM graduand Laura Tovar, enter Convocation Hall on the University of Toronto campus. (Photo by Nick Iwanyshyn)

Max, a full-time service dog and part-time columnist for UTM’s student paper The Medium, also crossed the stage this spring. 

The half-husky, half-cocker spaniel mix accompanied owner Laura Tovar as she accepted her degree.  

Tee Duke, wearing the new Indigenous beaded stole, as Eagle Feather Bearer during a 2024 convocation ceremony.
Tee Duke, wearing the new Indigenous beaded stole, as Eagle Feather Bearer during a 2024 convocation ceremony. (Photo by Nick Iwanyshyn)

This spring saw the unveiling of a first-ever Indigenous beaded stole created for U of T’s convocation ceremonies.  

In her role as Eagle Feather Bearer, UTM’s Director of Indigenous Initiatives Tee Duke was the first to wear the hand-beaded stole by artist Katie Longboat 

Mariam Ismail photo by Nick Iwanyshyn
Mariam Ismail outside Convocation Hall. (Photo by Nick Iwanyshyn)

“We finally did it,” valedictorian Mariam Ismail said in a congratulatory message to UTM’s class of 2024. “We’ve achieved a great milestone as we celebrate the culmination of our undergraduate journey.”   

The United Arab Emirates-born Ismail graduated with an honours bachelor of arts degree and will attend law school in the fall.  

"I am extremely grateful and excited for the journey ahead," she says.   

Lesley Hampton
Lesley Hampton speaking at a convocation ceremony. (Photo by Nick Iwanyshyn)

Convocation speaker Lesley Hampton encouraged grads to hold on to their individuality. The fashion designer and artist is a UTM alumna. “One of the most valuable lessons I've learned in my career is the power of embracing your unique perspective. In the world of art and design, as in life, there is no one way to create,” she said in her address

“Our diversity is our strength. Your experiences, your background, your struggles, and your triumphs – all of these shape your worldview and contributions to the world,” she said. 

Judith Andersen

“Remember, collectively we are strong,” psychology professor Judith Andersen reminded the assembled crowd during another of the five UTM ceremonies. 

She provided a practical and timely tip for anyone facing stressful moments, for example, when walking across a stage in front of an audience: use the WIN method to focus on What’s Important Now. Rather than getting caught up in stress and emotion, take a deep breath, refocus your attention and respond to what’s important in the present, Andersen advised: “We WIN together when we focus on our common humanity.”   

Smiling and walking outside Convocation Hall
Graduands smile as they walk into Convocation Hall during a ceremony for IMI master's degree recipients. (Photo by Ryan Cerrudo)

Graduates of three Institute for Management and Innovation master’s degree programs – master of urban innovation, master of biotechnology and master of science in sustainability management – celebrated their latest accomplishments in a Tuesday morning ceremony. 

For these grads picking up advanced degrees, it wasn’t their first convocation day, but that didn’t make the moment any less significant.   

Grads take selfie outside Convocation Hall
Two of U of T's newest alumnae pause for a selfie after a ceremony for IMI master's degree recipients. (Photo by Ryan Cerrudo)

Throughout the month, U of T grads and their families have shared photos, videos and memories on social media using the hashtag #UofTGrad24. See more UTM highlights on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube