Call for UTM Decanal Graduate Funding Proposals - CYCLE 1

The Office of the Vice-Dean, Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs is excited to announce the opening of the call for decanal graduate funding proposals, aimed at supporting graduate initiatives at the University of Toronto Mississauga. As part of our commitment to bolstering graduate research activity and fostering an exceptional graduate experience for our diverse student body on campus, we invite academic departments to submit proposals for funding consideration. 

The 2024-2025 decanal funding program is designed to offer financial support to initiatives that align with our institution’s strategic priorities, enhance the quality of graduate research and education, and contribute to graduate student engagement and outreach within our community and beyond our campus. We welcome proposals from all disciplines and areas of study, with preference given to departments that have not previously received decanal graduate funding for 2024-2025.

Key areas of interest for funding consideration may include, but are not limited to: graduate research initiatives; graduate community-building, engagement, and outreach; professional development; equity, diversity, inclusion; supervision and mentorship; and graduate well-being.  

Funding Amounts 

In 2024-2025, the Decanal Graduate Fund will fund projects with two calls for applications (Cycle 1 and Cycle 2). While there is no minimum budget, we welcome small proposals. Typically, the maximum award will not exceed $5000. Funds are expected to be utilized within 6 months of the notification of results. 

Ineligible costs include basic equipment and software costs, salary support, and routine conference travel for academic presentations. While matched funds, in-kind contributions, or access to supplementary funding are not obligatory, they may strengthen a proposal. 

Evaluation Process

All submissions will undergo a review process by the Graduate Programs Advisory Committee, with applications assessed on the potential impact of the proposed initiative; its feasibility, and alignment with UTM’s Strategic Framework. 

Application Information 

Departments interested in participating are requested to submit an application form by May 31, 2024. Applications must include a budget breakdown. All proposals must be submitted by the department chair, director, or departmental manager.   

Notification of Results

Results will be communicated by email in June 2024.

For inquiries regarding the UTM Graduate Initiatives Fund or assistance with proposal development, please contact Karolina Szymanski, Graduate Programs Manager, at

We look forward to receiving your creative proposals and extending our support towards the continued growth and excellence of our graduate community.