
UTM's EDIO provides equity-related professional development (i.e., training and workshops) for campus community members, including administrative offices, academic departments, and other associations at U of T's Mississauga campus.

Some examples of topics on which EDIO can present include but are not limited to:  

  • Introductory EDI training for faculty, librarians, staff, and students 
  • Finding identity and community at UTM 
  • Nurturing supportive spaces using EDI principles 
  • Power, privilege, and prejudice 
  • Being an ally; bystander intervention 

The EDIO will contour content by consulting with the requesting party. Based on the session goals developed with a campus partner and group size, the EDIO recommends scheduling between an hour and a half to two hours for professional development activities.  


For more information about the wide range of EDI and inclusive Indigenous competencies trainings/workshops available to the University of Toronto community across the tri-campus, including AODA and Universal Design, Indigenous Initiatives, Sexual & Gender Diversity, and Anti-Racism & Cultural Diversity, consult the tri-campus EDI Education Calendar.

A woman with glasses instructing to an audience from a presentation screen

Book a Workshop

fall foliage at U of T campus

Compassion and care in difficult times