Research and Research Creation Awards

Research and Research Creation Awards

We are delighted to announce this year's recipients of the Research and Research Creation Awards!

•    Research Award 1 was awarded to a team from the Department of Language Studies, including Mihaela Pirvulescu, Jeffrey Steele, Marie-Paule Lory, Katherine Rehner, and Michelle Troberg. They received $3,316 in support of the UTM Multilingualism Student Research Symposium.

•    Research Award 2, totaling $4,480, went to Marie-Pier Boucher from ICCIT for the UTM Space HACK4Sustainability.

•    Research Award 3 of $4,000 was awarded to Elizabeth Wijaya from Visual Studies for the UTM DVS Filmmaker in Residence program.

•    Research Award 4, amounting to $3,200, was granted to Kevin Coleman from Historical Studies for a public lecture series on far-right Christianity in Latin America.

•    Research Creation Award 1 of $1,500 was awarded to Elizabeth Wijaya from Visual Studies for her film project, The Sea is Calm Tonight.

•    Research Creation Award 2 of $1,500 went to Kevin Coleman from Historical Studies for a creative non-fiction project.

Congratulations to all the winners listed above for their outstanding contributions!