What is the meaning of academic integrity?
Academic integrity represents a set of values connected to maintaining honesty and fairness in our learning environment. When submitting academic work, students are expected to acknowledge all sources of information and cite the scholarship of any authors' contributing to their work. As a student at U of T, it is your responsibility to learn the rules and regulations of the institution and understand the Code of Behavior on Academic Matters.
*Image courtesy of Frank Cammuso and The Post-Standard
Why does academic integrity matter?
The importance of producing original work helps to maintain intellectual creativity and also prevents academic misconduct. This university takes pride in being home to some of the world's leading researchers and we aim to create an intellectual environment that stimulates critical thinking and innovative research in our students.
You are a member of U of T and it is your responsibility as a student to maintain your commitment towards producing original work. It is always rewarding to be praised for your own original ideas rather than stealing the thoughts of someone else. It is only by producing original work and receiving feedback on it that you will have the opportunity to acquire knowledge and develop your academic skills.
Examples of what may be considered an academic offence at U of T:
- Forging, altering, or falsifying documents
- Using, obtaining or possessing unauthorized aids or assistance
- Impersonating another person or having somone impersonate you
- Plagiarism – representing as one’s own any idea or expression of an idea or work of another without proper citation
- Submitting, without instructor’s knowledge or consent, work that has been previously submitted in another course/program
- Submitting work containing concocted/false references
- Continuing to write after a test/examination is over
Common trends in academic offences:
- Plagiarizing
- Collaboration/unauthorized assistance
- Purchasing work
- Recycling work - "double-dipping"
- Resubmitting of altered work for re-grading
- Electronic devices (cell phones) or any unauthorized aids
- Altering medical certificates and UofT document