Spring 2025 UTM Convocation: June 10 - 11, 2025
Visit the Office of Convocation's website to check your exact ceremony date.
If you are planning to graduate at the upcoming ceremony, there are a few steps you need to complete, as we prepare for your big day.
Important Dates & Deadlines
Request or cancel graduation on ACORN | November 11, 2024 – January 31, 2025 |
Late request or change the type of degree you will receive* | February 1, 2025 – March 3, 2025 |
Name change request | Submit well in advance of process deadline of April 23, 2025 (4 p.m.) |
Deadline to pay outstanding debts, fines, fees and holds | April 30, 2025 |
*If you do not see the option to confirm your intent to graduate but you are eligible to graduate, notify an Academic Advisor in the Office of the Registrar immediately, and no later than the deadline above.
Request/Cancel Graduation on ACORN
If you are eligible to graduate at the upcoming ceremony, you will see an invitation to confirm your intent to graduate on ACORN, under Graduation & Convocation:

When you click on the "Confirm intent to graduate" button, a pop-up message will appear asking if you wish to graduate at the next Convocation ceremony. You can confirm by saying "Yes" and will continue with your graduation assessment. If you select "No", you will post-pone your graduation, and will be re-invited to confirm your intent to graduate in the next round.
Once the deadline to request or cancel your intent to graduate has passed, changes must be done at the Office of the Registrar. A fee will apply for late requests to graduate.
Confirm the Degree You Will Receive
You will be prompted to confirm the type of degree that you may be eligible to receive - for example, an Honours Bachelor of Arts. If the degree you wish to graduate with is different than what appears, notify us through AskRegistrar by the deadline above.
For example, if you combined an Arts Major program and a Science Major program, you may choose between an Honours Bachelor of Arts, or an Honours Bachelor of Science degree.
Confirm the Spelling of Your Name
As we prepare to welcome you to the U of T alumni family, one important step is for you to confirm that your name is spelled correctly on ACORN, since this is how it will be printed on your diploma. If you need to correct, change, or update it, submit your request by the deadline to submit a name change.
There are two types of name change requests:
General name change
- Submit the Personal Information Change Form through AskRegistrar
- Attach copies of your original and valid government issued photo identification to support your desired changes.
Add an accent
- Submit the Name on Diploma form and submit it to the Office of Convocation.
Due to publication deadlines, late requests cannot be accommodated in time for the ceremony. Your request will only be processed after your Convocation ceremony, and a replacement diploma can be ordered through the Office of Convocation for an $150 fee. You will also be required to return the diploma that you originally received.
Pay All Outstanding Debts
Students who have outstanding debts or holds will be able to participate in the ceremony, but their diploma will be withheld until all outstanding debts to the university have been cleared. These include debts, fines, or other obligations (for example, library holds/fines, charges for missed health service appointments, charges for damaged departmental equipment and fees for deferred exams).
Track Your Assessment
After you confirm your intent to graduate, check Degree Explorer to see if your program(s) have been confirmed by your academic department at the end of March for Spring Convocation, or September for Fall Convocation.
You can also review whether your degree requirements are in progress, or have been marked as completed in early May for Spring Convocation, or October for Fall Convocation.
Preparing for Your Ceremony
Whether you need information on where/when the ceremony will take place, how to rent your gown and hood, or ideas on how we celebrate Convocation as a community, visit the Convocation website for all the important details leading up to the big day!
Visit the UTMSU website for more information on how to book an appointment to take your graduation photo, and class composites.
Since 1996, the University of Toronto has proudly held the Asia Pacific Graduation Ceremony in Hong Kong in celebration of new alumni and their families from across the region. To receive information on upcoming alumni events, visit the Alumni Address Update page.