UTM kicks off 2017 United Way campaign

U of T’s annual United Way campaign launched on Oct. 17 with a barbecue fundraiser and welcoming remarks at the Blind Duck Pub. UTM Vice-President and Principal Ulrich Krull and UTM campaign organizer April Forbes welcomed the crowd, United Way Peel resource development manager Rajesh Chandegra and Karen Grant-Cater, community giving and special events coordinator at Our Place Peel were on hand, and UTM student dance club Rhythm Performing Arts provided entertainment.
“I have been participating with the United Way since I was a student,” Krull said. “The United Way impacts so many in our community—particularly those who are new to the community, those who are in crisis and those who need a little help to get back on their feet. UTM’s campaign is part of what we give back to our community—together, we can postiviely impact the quality of life for our neighbours.”
“United Way Peel directly assisted more than 212,000 lives last year, including 98,000 youth, helping them gain access to services and supports,” Chandegra said. “That is no mean feat. The need is great, and the call to action is great.”
Grant-Cater recounted how United Way funding made a direct difference for youth at Our Place, a non-profit agency that provides shelter and support to 550 homeless youth in the Region of Peel. “No child grows up with the dream of being homeless, yet more youth are seeking shelter every year,” she said. “Many of the youth we serve are escaping abuse at home. We see firsthand how mental health challenges, poverty and unemployment are barriers to success.”
Grant-Cater shared the story of one young student who was able to graduate from high school, support his younger sister and enter an apprenticeship program, thanks to support from United Way-funded programs at Our Place. “When you donate to the United Way, you make stories like this possible,” Grant-Cater said. “We are working to reduce poverty in Brampton, Caledon and Mississauga. By donating to this campaign, you become an integral part of the work we do to change the lives of young people.”
The annual U of T campaign raises awareness and funding to combat poverty in Peel through campus events and employee contributions. Last year's UTM campaign surpassed its goal, raising $77,439. The 2017 campaign began with pop-up plant sales, and a cooking class and luncheon with celebrity chef Angus McKinnon. Upcoming events include the Halloween pumpkin carving and costume contest on Oct. 31; the annual Book Sale on Nov. 21 and 22; a dodgeball tournament on Nov. 24; and more.
For further information, please visit > United Way Campaign