- Radha Maharaj, Sessional Instructor, Institute of Communication, Culture, Information and Technology (ICCIT)

Everything new presents a challenge and nobody starts off as an expert. Learning comes by exploring new ideas, trying out new solutions, and developing your skills and intuition little by little. So don't be afraid to explore new concepts, to build solutions in gradual steps, and most importantly, to reflect on what you've learnt along the way.
While you climb the mountains of knowledge ahead of you, don't be afraid to reach out to your professors. We are here to guide you along your journey through the beautiful trails that lead to answers, as well as to help you blaze your own trails.
- Bogdan Simion, Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Department of Mathematical and Computational Sciences

- Dan Zingaro, Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Department of Mathematical and Computational Sciences

-Sarah Rauscher, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical and Physical Sciences

Students often ask me for tips on how to get better grades. (Un)fortunately, there are no shortcuts to academic success--just good, old-fashioned hard work, focus and determination.
-Mary Cheng, Associate Professor, Department of Biology

-Mindy Thuna, Head, Engineering and Computer Science Library, University of Toronto (formerly Science Liaison Librarian at UTM)