Jayne Baker
Mailing Address:
3359 Mississauga Road
Mississauga ON L5L 1C6
Prof. Baker’s research centres on education. She conducts research in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, focuses mainly on how to maximize student learning and engagement and nurture skill development in Sociology. Prof. Baker also explores hierarchies among Canadian university institutions through qualitative work of elite, single-gender schools in Toronto and, more recently, a computerized audit study of the Canadian labour market.
While Prof. Baker sees research as a crucial component of sociology and an important link to teaching, her interest has always been in teaching. She enjoys teaching and mentoring undergraduate students across all years of study and introducing them to sociological thinking. Prof. Baker is a recipient of the University of Toronto’s Early Career Teaching Award.
Prof. Baker teaches Introduction to Sociology; Sociology of Education; Logic of Social Inquiry; Education and Social Control; Sociology of Masculinities; and Contemporary Issues in Higher Education.
Baker, Jayne and Tyler Evans-Tokaryk. Forthcoming. “Assessing the Value of Integrating Writing and Writing Instruction Into a Research Methods Course.” Canadian Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.
Foster, Jordan and Jayne Baker. Forthcoming. “Muscles, Makeup, and Femboys: Analyzing TikTok’s “Radical” Masculinities.” Social Media + Society.
Innocente, Nathan, Jayne Baker, and Christine Goodwin De Faria. 2022. “Vulnerability and Student Perceptions of the Ethics of SoTL.” In Ethics and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, edited by Lisa Fedoruk. Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-11810-4
Baker, Jayne and Nathan Innocente. 2021. Connecting Sociology. Toronto, ON: Top Hat.
Mullen, Ann L, Jayne Baker, Gabriel Menard, and Brigham Walker. 2021. “Does Alma Mater Matter? An Audit Study of Labour Market Outcomes of Canadian Bachelor’s Degree Recipients.” Canadian Review of Sociology 58(4):456-475. https://doi.org/10.1111/cars.12363
Mullen, Ann L. and Jayne Baker. 2018. “Gender Gaps in Undergraduate Fields of Study: Do College Characteristics Matter?” Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World 4:1-14. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F2378023118789566
Innocente, Nathan and Jayne Baker. 2018. “The Teaching Fellowship: Implementing and Assessing a Mentorship Model for Graduate Student Teacher Training.” Teaching Sociology 46(4):335-345. https://doi.org/10.1177/0092055X18791686
Baker, Jayne. 2016. “Single Gender Education: Reinforcing and Challenging Gender Difference.” Education & Society: Canadian Perspectives, edited by Wolfgang Lehmann. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press.
Mullen, Ann L., and Jayne Baker. 2015. "Participation without Parity in American Higher Education: Gender, Fields of Study, and Institutional Selectivity." NASPA Journal About Women in Higher Education 8(2):172-188. https://doi.org/10.1080/19407882.2015.1057167
Baker, Jayne. 2014. "No Ivies, Oxbridge, or Grandes Écoles: Constructing Distinctions in University Choice." British Journal of Sociology of Education 35(6):914-932. https://doi.org/10.1080/01425692.2013.814530
Mullen, Ann L. and Jayne Baker. 2008. “Gender, Race and Ethnic Segregation of Science Fields in U. S. Universities.” Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering 14(2):159-176. https://doi.org/10.1615/JWomenMinorScienEng.v14.i2.30