About Us
The Geography Society is an academic club on the UTM Campus. The Society not only represents the Geography, Geomatics and Environment student body but also extends to other students who share a common interest in either subject.
Our prime goal is to bring Geo-Enviro interested students together under this club and to get them involved and active through a series of events, whether they be academic events, such as our informative Graduate Preparation Semairs, or social events, such as movie nights, hikes, and BBQs.
And we don't stop here! Our club promotes and facilitates close interaction between members and faculty and staff of the Geography and Environment Departments. The Society will also be teaming up with other clubs to participate in bi/multi-club events, such as tree-planting with the Green Team and this year's Science formal, which brings the Geography Society together with the Erindale Biology Society(EBS), the Erindale Society of Chemical and Physical Sciences (ESCP), and Psychology Assoc of Undergrad Students at Erindale (PAUSE).
Want More?
For more information about the Geography Society feel free to browse through our Constitution, check out our event page, take a look at our meeting minutes, and add us to Facebook! Also, another simple and easy way to keep up-to-date with news, announcements, and program and club events be sure to join the *NEW* Geography Community Shell via Quercus*. For any specific inquires or concerns be sure to contact us!
* Please note, if you are a 1st-year student or an upper-year student still looking to enrol in a program under the Department, the Quercus link will only route you to your own Quercus homepage. In this case, please fill out this form so we can add you to our Quercus community page!