Program Descriptions

The Department of Psychology at UTM offers four areas for specialization: Psychology, Neuroscience, Exceptionality in Human Learning, and Forensic Psychology. 

The Department of Psychology offers four research-based BSc programs that focus on the structure and organization of behaviour in humans and animals. As a science program, we adopt an objective approach in which the study of behaviour is grounded in empirical evidence. Explore our programs in-depth below.

Psychology is the science that examines the structure and function of behaviour in humans and animals. It is concerned with the processes by which behaviour is acquired, maintained, and developed through adaptive interaction with the physical and social aspects of the environment. Emphasis is on the genetic, physiological, sensory, cognitive, personality-based, and social structures that mediate behaviour.

Among the topics covered by Psychology courses are life-span developmental changes in behaviour, modes of sensing, perceiving and responding to the environment, learning and cognition, the origins and implications of drives, motives, conflicts and emotions, and the wide variety of individual and species differences that are produced by differences in genetic background, physiology and past experience.

Psychology Specialist (ERSPE1160)

10.0-10.5 credits in Psychology are required. At least 5.0 credits must be at the 300/400 level of which at least 1.5 must be at the 400 level. A single course can be used to satisfy only one program requirement.

Psychology Major (ERMAJ1160)

6.5 credits in Psychology are required, including 2.0 at the 300/400 level. A single course can be used to satisfy only one program requirement.

Psychology Minor (ERMIN1160)

4.0 credits are required, including 1.0 at the 300 level. A single course can be used to satisfy only one program requirement.

Psychology (Major) Program Plan

Neuroscience is a multidisciplinary approach to understanding the structures and functions of the brain and nervous system. Students will have the opportunity to combine knowledge of behavioural, physiological, and cellular/molecular processes through lecture and laboratory courses, and carry out research projects with faculty members. This program provides an excellent theoretical and empirical background for students interested in pursuing graduate studies in neuroscience and related fields.

Neuroscience (ERSPE2470)
11.5-12.5 credits are required, including at least 3.0 credits at the 300/400 level and 1.0 credit at the 400 level.

Neuroscience (Specialist) Program Plan



This program is designed to provide a broad scholarly foundation for addressing issues concerning children and adults who have disabilities and/or are gifted. Interested students might include:

  1. those who at a later stage may wish to pursue more advanced work in psychology, special education, rehabilitation, social work, group home management, adult retraining, etc., or study in areas related to hearing or visual impairment, learning disabilities, developmental delay, physical disability, or related fields.
  2. those wanting to know more about the psychology, sociology and biology of exceptional individuals, particularly as these become issues of public policy.

Exceptionality in Human Learning - Specialist (ERSPE1883)
13.0-14.5 credits are required, including at least 4.0 300/400 level credits and 1.0 400 level credits.

Exceptionality in Human Learning (Specialist) Program Plan


Forensic Psychology is the study of criminal behaviour, but also the behaviour of the judge and jury, how we perceive criminals, and how that may interfere with a fair trial.

Forensic psychologists will need to continue to graduate school after their undergraduate degree, but can choose between academic research in psychology, moving forward the body of knowledge with innovative exploration, or clinical psychology, in which they may be a part of, or open their own practice, and deal with criminals or victims one on one.

The Forensic Psychology program of study is administered by the Forensic Science department. Interested students need to contact them directly for program information and admission.

Forensic Psychology - Specialist (ERSPE1505)
A minimum of 15.0 credits are required.

Forensic Psychology (Specialist) Program Plan

Note on admission

All programs offered by the Psychology Department require students to have completed grade 12 4U Advanced Functions and 4U Biology or equivalent.

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