The IEC, in collaboration with the Health & Counseling Centre, have created some resources and tools to promote general positive mental health and to support international students experiencing stress and anxiety.
Understanding Your Challenges
Looking closely at the different areas of our life can be the first step in understanding how our problems are impacting us. Even minor changes in one area can cause alterations in other areas as well.
Understanding Your Challenges Worksheet
Gratitude Journal
Research shows that an attitude of gratitude can have a positive impact on our mood, behavior and general outlook. Gratitude is a skill that can be developed with regular practice and the purpose of daily tracking of small things we are grateful for can help us cultivate a positive mindset. Your journal can capture gratitude that you feel for things in the world around you, people, or yourself. Tracking small or large things you are grateful on a daily basis can contribute to the practice of looking for positive in your life.
Goal Setting
Having a focus and goals that you are working toward can help you feel more in control of your life and on track. Use the following form to complete your own SMART goal.
Getting a Good Night's Sleep with Constructive Worrying
When things are bothering us, we use our problem solving skills to figure out how to solve the issue. This is useful, but sometimes our worries pop up when we're trying to fall asleep and our active mind keeps us up longer than we'd like. During the early evening (at least 2 hours before bed) take about fifteen minutes to do this Constructive Worrying exercise.
Constructive Worrying Worksheet
Take a Deep Breath and Relax
While breathing is something we do automatically, it is also something we can control through slowing it down and intentionally breathing deeper. Both of these actions are a way to lower our stress levels, almost immediately, through increasing oxygen to the body, decreasing heart rate and lowering blood pressure.
Take a Deep Breath and Relax Worksheet
If you would like to have a confidential, supportive conversation, feel free to schedule an appointment with a personal counselor at the Health & Counseling Centre by calling 905-828-5255. You may also call Good2Talk at 1-866-925-5454 for professional counseling, mental health information and connections to local resources.