Learning Competencies

The University of Toronto Mississauga International Education Centre is committed to enhancing student learning and development through our programs and services. Department initiatives align with relevant and desirable learning from at least one of six broad categories, called domains, that provide the foundation for the CoCurricular Record: Community and Global Engagement, Interpersonal Engagement, Knowledge Development and Application, Novel and Adaptive Thinking, Personal Growth and Development, and Practical Skills Development.  Each domain is defined by corresponding learning outcome dimensions that inform intentional programs and services that forward our mission.

Practical Skills Development Competencies
Goal-Setting and Prioritization Sets individual goals; articulates rationale for personal and educational goals and objectives; articulates and makes plans to achieve short-term and long-term goals and objectives; understands principles of time management.
Decision Making and Action Pursues and works to achieve short-term and long-term goals; identifies options and works to overcome obstacles; engages in problem-solving.

Effectively conveys meaning through writing, speaking, or artistic expression; effectively articulates abstract ideas; uses diction, tone, and grammar appropriate to audience and medium; listens attentively and can read and use nonverbal communication and responds appropriately.

Technological Aptitude Demonstrates technological literacy and skill, respective current intellectual property and privacy regulations and best practices; uses technology effectively to communicate, solve problems, and complete tasks; stays current with technological innovations and trends.
Career Planning Demonstrates an inherent understanding of his/her personality traits, values, interests, and transferable skills and competencies, and is able to: connect these to meaningful career options, communicate these effectively on a resume or during an in-person exchange, and continously reflect upon these to adjust career goals and/or initiate further education or job search.
Health Promotion Engages in behaviors and contributes to environments that promote health and reduce risk to self and community.
Project Management Develops and implements strategies and programs in alignment with organizational goals and values; develops appropriate outcomes and confucts assessments; develops and implements strategies for managing finances, human resources, scope, schedule, quality and outcomes; demonstrates best practice for project management and event planning.
Facilitating and Presenting Effectively coordinates processes and procedures for a group or organization; supports inclusive decision making; guides learning and dialogue to support participants in deeper thinking; presents ideas clearly, effectively, and accessibly.
Communications and Media Develops and implements strategies to inform the wider community of programs, events and messaging; demonstrates ability to convey persuasive messages to outreach to different audiences; utilizes multiple forms of media, including social media, to share and exchange information.
Financial Literacy Effectively organizes and makes informed decisions about financial resources; manages and implements effective budgeting system engages in financial record-keeping that maintains transparency and accountability.
Organization and Records Management Effectively devises and maintains office and organizational systems; manages people, information, and resources in an effective way; understands the importance of accurate and concise record-keeping.


Community and Global Engagement Competencies
Forstering Inclusivity and Equity Understands and explores one's own identity and culture in relation to others; seeks involvement with people different from oneself; articulates the advantages and impact of a diverse society; indentifies and challenges systemic barriers to equality and inclusiveness; exhibits respect and perseves the dignity of others in all interactions.
Advocacy For self or others, articulates the values and principles involved in decision-making; affirms and values the worth of individuals and communities; works individually or collectively to challenge appropriately the unfair, unjust, or uncivil behaviour of other individuals, groups or social systems; advocates and justifies means for dismantling systemic barriers to equity.
Community and Civic Engagement Demonstrates consideration of the welfare of others in decision-making; participates in service/volunteer activities that are characterized by reciprocity; engages in reasoned debate and critical reflection; understandsand participates in relevant governance systems; educates and facilities the civic engagement of others.
Global Perspective and Engagement Understands and analyzes the interconnectedness of societies worldwide; develops and demonstrates interculturual competency and exhibits appropriate stewardship of human, economic, and environmental resources; identifies one's own individual agency in a global perspective.


Interpersonal Engagement Competencies
Social Intelligence Establishes healthy, mutually beneficial relationships with others; treats others with respect; manages interpersonal conflicts effectively; adapts to and demonstrates behaviour appropriate to the situation.
Teamwork Seeks help from others when needed and offers assitance to others; shares a group or organizational goal and works with others to achieve it; learns from the contributions and involvement of others; accepts and offers supervision and direction as needed.
Collaboration Works cooperatively with others, including people different from self and/or with different points of view; seeks and values the involvement of others; listens to and considers others' points of view; works towards a shared goal.
Leadership Demonstrates skill in guiding and assisting a group, organization, or community in meeting its goals; identifies and understands the dynamics of group; exhibits democratic principles as a leader or group member; communicates a vision, mission, or purpose that encourages commitment and action in others; fosters and encourages leadership in others.
Professionalism Commitment to demonstration of and  accountability for the appropriate behaviour, character, attitudes, skills, conduct and integrity corresponding to a given circumstance or environment.


Personal Growth and Development Competencies
Self-Awareness Assesses, articulates, and acknowledges personal skills, abilities, and growth areas; uses self-knowledge to make decisions; articulates rationale for personal behaviour, seeks and considers feedback from others; critiques and subsequently learns from past experiences; employs self reflection to gain insight; balances needs of self with needs of others; understands and manages emotions.
Identity Awareness and Development Integrates multiple aspects of identity into a coherent whole; recognizes and exhibits interdependence in accordance with environmental, social, cultural, and personal values; actively commits to important aspects of self-identity.
Commitment to Ethics and Integrity Incorporates ethical reasoning into action; explores and articulates the values and principles involved in personal decision-making; acts in congruence with personal values and beliefs; exemplifies dependability, honesty, and authenticity; accepts personal accountability.
Spiritual Awareness Developing and articulating personal belief system; understanding roles of spirituality in personal and shared values and behaviours; critiquing, comparing, contrasting, and respecting various belief systems; exploring issues of purpose, meaning, and faith.
Creative Expression Generating new ideas, or original ways of knowing, doing and being imaginitive; exploring, experimenting and taking risks; inventing and producing new things; planning/designing things/processes; understanding one's identity through the creation of artistic representations; being able to represent ideas and communicate them through artistic means (visual, audio, performing, literary arts).
Personal Health and Management Makes purposeful decisions regarding balance among education, work, and leisure time; acts in congruence with personal identity, ethical, spiritual, and moral values.


Novel and Adaptive Thinking Competencies
Critical Thinking Identifies opportunities, problems, questions, and issues; analyzes, interprets, and evaluates the relevance and qwuality of information; assesses assumptions and considers alternative perspectives and solutions.
Reflective Thinking Intentionally examines previous assumptions and experiences during our following the learning opportunity; Applies previously understood information, concepts, and experiences to a future situation or setting.
Strategic Thinking Analyzes complex information from a variety of sources including personal experience and observation to form or refine a decision or opinion; recognizes patterns, identifies obstacles, and proposes solutions through foresight and future planning.
Design Thinking Integrates mental, emotional, and creative processes for increased insight; formulates a new approach to a particular problem through defining, researching, ideating, prototyping/piloting, implementing, and assessing.
Systems Thinking Is able to recognize a system and holistically analyze it, while identifying and solving seemingly disparate problems within it; understands how relationships between parts of a system interrelate and culminate to equal a whole greater than its sum -- i.e. an ecosystem
Entrepreneurial Thinking Demonstrates the ability to generate ideas; takes responsibility and makes decisions; demonstrates creative and innovative problem solving skills.


Knowledge Development and Application Competencies
Inquiry Develops knowledge of one or more subjects/topics/concepts; knows how to access diverse sources of information.
Investigation and Synthesis Gathers, selects, uses, and synthesizes multiple sources of information to solve problems; Uses appropriate technology and tools to analyze and apply information.
Knowledge Creation and innovation Uses experience and other sources of information to create new insights; makes meaning from text, instruction, and experience; generates problem-solving approaches based on new insights; derives new understandings from learning activities and dialogue with others.
Knowledge Application to Daily Life Seeks new information to solve problems; relates knowledge to academic, career, and life decisions; articulates life choices based on assessment of interests, values, skills, and abilities; demonstrates evidence of knowledge, skills, and accomplishments resulting from academic, co-curricular, and extra-curricular experience; makes connections between diverse learning experiences.