

MAT492H5 Senior Thesis 

An exposition on a topic in mathematics written under the supervision of a faculty member.

See past syllabus for more course information.


STA378H5 Research Project*

*Can only be taken in second semester at UTM; admission based on cGPA & ability to find supervising professor

Research project. The project topic will vary from year to year. Interested students must consult with statistics faculty, at least two months prior to registration, to determine the project's topic and scope.

See past syllabus for more course information.

STA478H5 Statistics Research Project* 

*Can only be taken in second semester at UTM; admission based on cGPA & ability to find supervising professor

Research project.The project topic will vary from year to year. Interested students must consult with statistics faculty, at least two months prior to registration, to determine the project's topic and scope. 

See past syllabus for more course information.