
ANT306H5 Forensic Anthropology Field School

Introduction to the field of forensic anthropological field techniques and scene interpretation. A 2-week field school will be held on the UTM campus. Students will examine casts, maps, photos and other evidence collected in the field, for the purposes of scene reconstruction and presentation in court.

See past syllabus for more course information.

ANT312H5 Archaeological Analysis

The student will create a project proposal, choose methods of survey and excavation, describe and organize data for analysis, and summarize findings in a project report. Students get the opportunity to put learned skills to work in the creation of their own archaeological analysis plan.

See past syllabus for more course information.

ANT318H5 Archaeological Fieldwork*

*require application due in March; class starts mid-August

This course will introduce students to basic archaeological field and laboratory procedures. The field component will focus on recognizing features in the cultural landscape, surface and subsurface survey methods, and site excavation.Practical experience on an archaeological site during the last two weeks of August, followed by weekly laboratory sessions September to December.

See past syllabus for more course information.

ANT334H5 Human Osteology

In this course students are given hands-on experience in the identification of the normal anatomy of the adult human skeleton with accompanying muscle function. Metrical variation, growth and development, bone histology, and methods of individual identification are introduced.

See past syllabus for more course information.

ANT335H5 Anthropology of Gender 2018 trip to Tanzania

Survey of the function of gender roles from evolutionary and cultural perspectives. Cross-cultural variation in human sexual behaviour and gender are examined. Meetings with local officials and NGO’s to learn about the country’s cultural, socio-economic and political context. UTM Abroad course through IEC.

See past syllabus for more course information.

ANT338H5 Laboratory Methods in Biological Anthropology

Students will be introduced to the process of conducting research, including selected laboratory procedures and how they are used to generate and/or analyze data. Students conduct anthropometric assessment of growth and body size, nutrition assessment through 24-hour dietary recall, and assessment of physical activity and sleep using triaxial accelerometry.

See past syllabus for more course information.

ANT364H5 Fieldwork in Language, Culture, and Society

This course will give students hands-on experience in methods for recording, transcribing, coding, and analyzing ethnographic data in linguistic anthropology. Students will be expected to develop their own analyses of the data collected under the guidance of the instructor and to formulate a final project.

See past syllabus for more course information.

ANT415H5 Faunal Archaeo-Osteology

This course introduces students to Faunal Archaeo-Osteology, or Zooarchaeology, the study of animal remains from archaeological sites. The objectives of this course are to provide students with (1) a working knowledge of fish, bird and mammal skeletons, (2) the methods employed by archaeologists to identify and analyze faunal collections, and (3) an understanding of the role of zooarchaeology in larger archaeological.

See past syllabus for more course information.

ANT416H5 Advanced Archaeological Analysis

This course will involve students in applied laboratory methods in archaeology. Each student will engage in an individual research project on an archaeological data set. Techniques will include basic description, measurement, quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis.

See past syllabus for more course information.

ANT418H5 Advanced Archaeological Fieldwork*

*require application March; class starts mid-August

The field component will focus on recording archaeological sites, including mapping, recording artifacts on the ground surface and collecting the necessary information to complete a site form. Practical experience on an archaeological site during the last two weeks of August, followed by weekly laboratory sessions September to December.

See past syllabus for more course information.

ANT463H5 Anthropologies of Water: On Meaning, Value, and Futures

Class will consist mainly of discussions of ethnographic readings but also of hands-on class exercises and field trips. There will be at least one required field trip outside of class time (weekends and/or Reading Week) with additional travel costs that students will be required to pay through ancillary fees.

See past syllabus for more course information.

ANT464H5 The End of Coal: An Ethnographic Approach

Taken together, this class offers a social and cultural approach to the protracted energy transition and thus ventures deeply into the rapidly emerging field of the "energy humanities." There will be at least one required field trip outside of class time (weekends and/or Reading Week) with additional travel costs that students will be required to pay through ancillary fees

See past syllabus for more course information.