Comprehension, Memory, Emotion

Graduate Student/ Research Assistant


              Project Title Date of Study


Daniel Craig Chambers, Elizabeth Johnson

               Speech Disfluencies and the Elderly                                         Abstract / Result

    2013 complete
Harman, Dario Kate Dupuis, Kathy Pichora-Fuller

The effect of vocal emotion on word recognition and memory

Abstract / Result

    2013 ongoing
Jana, Jacob Jana Besser, Kathy Pichora-Fuller

             Pitch Flattening     Abstract / Result

2012 - 2014 complete
Jana, Jacob Jana Besser, Kathy Pichora-Fuller

      Speech-in-speech listening on the LiSN-S test

                              Abstract / Result

2012 -    2013 complete
Namita Pascal van Lieshout, Boaz Ben-David

            Test of Rating of Emotions in Speech                                             Abstract / Result

2012 - 2013 complete
Veronica, Dario Kate Dupuis, Kathy Pichora-Fuller

Emotional Recognition Sequel Experiment

Abstract / Result

    2012 complete

Margaret, Dario, Veronica

Kathy Pichora-Fuller, Frank Russo

Keeping the Beat:

Does musical rhythm affect vowel intelligibility?

Abstract / Result

bVt Psychometric Study

Abstract / Result

    2012 complete


Meredyth Daneman, Bruce Schneider

Understanding Stories in Distracting Background
Abstract / Result

2010 - 2012



Kate Dupuis, Kathy Pichora-Fuller

Intelligibility of Emotional Speech
Abstract / Result

Summer 2010



Bruce Schneider

How Perceived Spatial Position Affects Comprehension and Memory for Dialogue
Abstract / Result

2010 - 2012


Meital Bruce Schneider, Meredyth Daneman

Differences in conversation comprehension between younger and older listeners

Abstract / Result

2010 - 2012 complete

Hearing and Speech