Matthew Stoddard (On Leave)
Assistant Professor
Cinema Studies; Visual Culture and Communication
Room:CCT 4024
Matthew Stoddard is Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream. He has taught in DVS since 2015 and began a split appointment with the Department of English at UTSC in 2021. His focus is on the politics of popular cinema, especially genre cinema and North American cinema, and on radical political cinema from around the globe and across film history. (He has also written on archival film practices, from experimental found-footage films to commercial film restoration). Prof. Stoddard's teaching combines fine-grained visual analysis with wide-ranging theoretical reflection. He has taught courses in horror cinema, film theory, Canadian cinema, and Third Cinema, among other topics.
Courses taught at University of Toronto Mississauga (through Winter 2023)
CIN101 An Introduction to Cinema Studies
CIN102 Modernity and the Moving Image
CIN205 Canadian Auteurs
CIN290 Topics: David Lynch
CIN290 Topics: The Films of Stanley Kubrick
CIN302 Topics: Cinema in the Digital Age
CIN302 Topics: Horror Film
CIN302 Topics: American Horror
CIN400 Topics: Anti-Hollywood, 1920-1980
CIN400 Topics: Film Theory and the Politics of Cinema
CIN400 Topics: Decolonizing the Image in Third Cinema
CIN401 Topics: Anti-Hollywood
VCC309 Society and Spectacle
VCC400 Advanced Project: Visualizing Global Capital
VCC400 Advanced Project: Media Archaeologies