Explore our current course offerings
- Art History Courses (FAH)
- Studio Art Courses (FAS)
- Cinema Studies Courses (CIN)
- Visual Culture & Communication Courses (VCC)
- Visual Studies Courses (VST)
Please note that students in the Department of Visual Studies are not permitted to double enrol in courses (i.e., students may not enrol in two DVS classes that are offered at the same time, or in a DVS class and any other class at the same time). Students who do so will be removed from one of the two classes. No accommodations will be provided to students who are double enrolled in a DVS course.
To start planning your timetable, visit the Office of the Registrar's Timetable Planner.
2025 Winter Courses
Art History Courses (FAH)

FAH205H5 Art in Antiquity
FAH215H5 Early Medieval Art and Arch
FAH289H5 Art Since 1945
FAH295H5 Topics in Art History
FAH362H5 Modern Craft
FAH390H5 Topics in Modern Art Archit.
FAH392H5 Top in Modern Art/Architecture
FAH394H5 Topics Early Modern Art Arch.
FAH451H5 Curating Now
FAH493H5 Topics in Early Mod Art & Arch
FAH498H5 Topics in Curatorial Studies
Studio Art Courses (FAS)

FAS143H5 Drawing 1
FAS145H5 Painting I
FAS147H5 Photography 1
FAS232H5 Print Media 1
FAS234H5 Print Media 11
FAS236H5 Design I
FAS243H5 Drawing 11
FAS245H5 Painting 11
FAS246H5 Design 11
FAS247H5 Photography 11
FAS248H5 Sculpture 1
FAS258H5 Sculpture II
FAS334Y5 Print Media 111
FAS343Y5 Drawing 111
FAS346Y5 Design 111
FAS347Y5 Photography 111
FAS348Y5 Sculpture III
FAS359Y5 Video and Sound
FAS369Y5 Performance-Based Art
FAS434Y5 Ind Print Media
FAS443Y5 Ind Investigations in Drawing
FAS445Y5 Ind Investigations in Painting
FAS446Y5 Ind Investigations in Design
FAS447Y5 Ind Investigations in Photography
FAS448Y5 Ind Investigations in Sculpture
FAS450Y5 Advanced Project
FAS451H5 Advanced Project
FAS454H Professional Practice
NB: All FAS courses are held at Sheridan.
Cinema Studies Courses (CIN)

CIN102H5 Modernity and the Moving Image
CIN205H5 Canadian Auteurs
CIN210H5 Southeast Asian Cinemas
CIN290H5 Topics in Cinema Studies
CIN302H5 Topics in Cinema Studies
CIN309H5 Colour and the Moving image
CIN315H5 From Script to Screen
CIN402H5 Avant-Garde Film and Video
CIN408H5 Potential Cinema
CIN410H5 Creating Mobile Cinemas
Visual Culture Communication Courses (VCC)

VCC101H5 Introduction to Visual Culture
VCC290H5 Top in Visual Culture & Com
VCC304H5 VCC & Politics of Identity
VCC308H5 Act in Visual & Media Culture
VCC390H5 Topics in Visual Culture
VCC397H5 Hist. of Communication Design
VCC400H5 Advanced Project
VCC492H5 Topics in VCC
VST410Y5 Internship in Visual Studies
2024 Fall Courses
Art History Courses (FAH)
FAH101H5 Introduction to Art History
FAH274H5 Renaissance Art & Architecture
FAH288H5 Euro NA Art of Early 20th Cent
FAH291H5 History of Photography
FAH310H5 Curating Matters
FAH392H5 Top in Modern Art/Architecture
FAH472H5 Early Modern Mobile Objects
FAH493H5 Topics in Early Mod Art & Arch
Studio Art Courses (FAS)
FAS143H5 Drawing 1
FAS145H5 Painting I
FAS147H5 Photography 1
FAS232H5 Print Media 1
FAS234H5 Print Media 11
FAS236H5 Design I
FAS243H5 Drawing 11
FAS245H5 Painting 11
FAS246H5 Design 11
FAS247H5 Photography 11
FAS248H5 Sculpture 1
FAS258H5 Sculpture II
FAS334Y5 Print Media 111
FAS343Y5 Drawing 111
FAS346Y5 Design 111
FAS347Y5 Photography 111
FAS348Y5 Sculpture III
FAS359Y5 Video and Sound
FAS369Y5 Performance-Based Art
FAS434Y5 Ind Print Media
FAS443Y5 Ind Investigations in Drawing
FAS445Y5 Ind Investigations in Painting
FAS446Y5 Ind Investigations in Design
FAS447Y5 Ind Investigations in Photography
FAS448Y5 Ind Investigations in Sculpture
FAS450Y5 Advanced Project
FAS451H5 Advanced Project
FAS453H5 Art Education Practice
NB: All FAS courses are held at Sheridan.
Cinema Studies Courses (CIN)
CIN101H5 An Intro to Cinema Studies
CIN206H5 Auteurs
CIN215H5 Bollywood in Context
CIN301H5 Topics in Cinema Studies
CIN305H5 Taiwan New Wave in Our Time
CIN317H5 Production: Independent Cinema
CIN401H5 Topics in Cinema Studies
CIN430H5 Making a Short Film
Visual Culture Communication Courses (VCC)
VCC236H5 North American Consumer Culture: 1890-Present
VCC292H5 Topics in VCC
VCC360H5 South Asian Visual Culture
VCC390H5 Topics in Visual Culture
VCC394H5 Comics and Visual Culture
VCC409H5 Capital Spectacle War
VCC490H5 Topics in Visual Culture and Communication
Visual Studies Courses (VST)