Dr. Elizabeth Wijaya Discusses Chinese Cinema

Illustration by Beatriz Simas /The Medium

Department of Visual Studies professor Elizabeth Wijaya recently spoke to Yusuf Larizza-Ali at The Medium about Chinese cinema and the Chinese New Year. In the interview, Wijaya talks about the diversity of Chinese cinemas and the about the many senses in which Chinese identity might be constituted. In the article Wijaya talks about what kinds of films she tends to teach, Chinese cinemas and global audiences, and the relationship between the Lunar new year and more light-hearted films. She also provides a number of viewing recommendations including a 2011 feature called Home Coming; a film for which DVS Sessional Lecturer Weijie Lai served as a part of the producing team.

See the whole story here: https://themedium.ca/why-cinema-should-be-included-in-this-years-chinese-new-year-celebrations/