At UTM: CDRS offers a range of supports for researchers. For research projects just getting started, we offer scoping and design consultations and connections to key resources at the library and in the Office of V-P Research. For projects already underway, CDRS provides space and technology for your lab or team meetings, professional developement for postdoctoral fellows and graduate students, and opportunities for knowledge mobilization through workshops, seminar series, and roundtables. To find out more or to explore ways of co-hosting with CDRS, email: For links to software supported by I&ITS check here, for research storage supports click here, and for online survey tools click here. University approved Drupal Website Development and Maintenance Services click here.
Each year CDRS issues a call for funding (up to $5,000 per project).
For internal funing opportunities at UTM including: SSHRC Grant-Writing Cohort Program; UTM-JHI Annual Seminar Series, RSAF, see the Office of V-P Research's website for application details
Postdoctoral fellows: CDRS, in collaboration with the Office of V-P Research, the Dean's office, and the Senior Research Associates, provides resources for faculty working with postdoctoral fellows and professional research developement for fellows. To be added to the Postdoctoral Fellow listserv, email
Across the tri-campus: CDRS also works closely with researcher focused networks like the Centre for Research Innovation and Support (CRIS) the Digital Humanities Network.