Boasting a beautiful 225-acre campus beside the Credit River, the University of Toronto Mississauga brings together 15,448 students and 3,700 faculty and staff. Outstanding teaching and innovative research happen every day at UTM. Ensuring the operational supports to make them happen is the role of the Chief Administrative Officer.
Overseeing around the clock seamless operations of an organization as large and complex as UTM goes beyond simply ensuring that portfolios run effectively and efficiently. This visionary and detailed management is the responsibility of the Chief Administrative Officer. The CAO unites the academic and administrative operations of the campus, keeping the University of Toronto’s westernmost campus working at peak performance.
As the senior non-academic executive at UTM, the CAO advises UTM leadership and is responsible for the overall business administration at UTM.
This oversight extends to multiple portfolios:
- Budget, Planning & Finance
- Facilities Management & Planning
- Information & Instructional Technology Services
- Hospitality and Retail Services
Within these portfolios are other key operational functions, including business services, capital construction, sustainability, health and safety, conference services and parking.
Deborah Brown
Chief Administrative Officer
Email: cao.utm@utoronto.ca