Sasa Stefanovic
Room:DV 3039

My research employs molecular and traditional tools addressing plant systematics questions at both higher and lower taxonomic level as well as molecular mechanisms underlying organellar genome evolution in plants. The bulk of my research is centered on the systematics and molecular evolution of Convolvulaceae (morning-glory family) in general and, more particularly, on a parasitic genus Cuscuta (dodders) found within that family. Convolvulaceae are one of the very few flowering plant families showing substantial structural differences in otherwise highly conserved plastid genome. The comparative approach on a broad taxon sampling within this family and in conjunction with a robust phylogenetic framework will help to address a series of testable hypotheses regarding the pattern and process of chloroplast genome evolution and their correlates at the organismal level.
More broadly, I am interested in a number of other related plant evolution topics, centered around the reliable inference of the plant tree of life at various phylogenetic levels, and the application of these phylogenies to evolutionary problems that stretch from genes and genomes to plant sexual systems and phylogeography. From the systematics point of view, I am mostly interested in a species-level phylogeny. It is usually at this level that the most interesting biological questions regarding speciation, biogeography, character evolution, genome evolution, etc., can be tackled successfully. In molecular evolution field, I am particularly interested in changes that have shaped the plastid genome evolution in heterotrophic plants in general (both parasitic and mycotrophic), the shared and unique features characterizing different phylogenetic, ecological, and physiological groups of heterotrophs, as well as the extent of involvement of these very unusual plants in evolutionary phenomena such as horizontal gene transfer. I am also interested in patterns of mitochondrial evolution in land plants, especially in ferns and conifers.
Courses Taught
- BIO215 - Laboratory in Molecular Biology and Genetics (2005)
- BIO314 - Laboratory in Cell and Molecular Biology (2006-2012)
- BIO339 - Plant Identification and Systematics (2013-present)
- BIO443 - Phylogenetic Principles (2005-present)
- EEB1443 - Phylogenetic Principles (graduate course; 2010-present)
- Experiential learning - BIO399, BIO481, JCB487
- Albal, A., M. Costea, and S. Stefanović. 2024. Molecular systematics of Cuscuta subgenus Monogynella (Convolvulaceae) based on plastid and nuclear sequences. Taxon 73: 1460-1472.
- Butr, C. W., S. Stefanović, and M. Costea. 2024. To lump or to split? Revision of Cuscuta section Indecorae using a combined morphometric, phylogenetic, and host range approach. Systematic Botany 49: 651-672.
- Costea, M., M. A. R. Wright, M. Glofcheskie, W. Genter, and S. Stefanović. 2023. Draining the swamp dodders: systematics of Cuscuta gronovii s.l. (subg. Grammica, sect. Oxycarpae). Systematic Botany 48: 325-345.
- Banerjee, A. and S. Stefanović. 2023. A comparative study across the parasitic plants of Cuscuta subgenus Grammica (Convolvulaceae) reveals a possible loss of the plastid genome in its section Subulatae. Planta 257: 66.

- Lin, Q., T. W. A. Braukmann, M. Soto Gomez, J. Lischka Sampaio Mayer, F. Pinheiro, V. S. F. T. Merckx, S. Stefanović, and S. W. Graham. 2022. Mitochondrial genomic data are effective at placing mycoheterotrophic lineages in plant phylogeny. New Phytologist 236: 1908-1921
- Lin, Q., A. Banerjee, and S. Stefanović. 2022. Mitochondrial phylogenomics of Cuscuta (Convolvulaceae) reveals a potentially functional horizontal gene transfer from the host. Genome Biology and Evolution 14 (6): evac091.
- Simões, A. R. G., L. A. Eserman, A. R. Zuntini, L. W. Chatrou, T. M. A. Utteridge, O. Maurin, S. Rokni, S. Roy, F. Forest, W. J. Baker, and S. Stefanović. 2022. A bird’s eye view of the systematics of Convolvulaceae: novel insights from nuclear genomic data. Frontiers in Plant Science 13: 889988.
- Banerjee, A., A. C. Schneider, and S. Stefanović. 2022. Plastid genomes of the hemiparasitic genus Krameria (Zygophyllalles) are intact and exhibit little relaxation of selection. International Journal of Plant Sciences (University of Chicago Press) 183:393-403.
- Ibiapino, A., M. A. García, B. Amorim, M. A. Báez, M. Costea, S. Stefanović, and A. Pedrosa-Harand. 2022. The evolution of cytogenetic traits in Cuscuta (Convolvulaceae), the genus with the most diverse chromosomes in angiosperms. Frontiers in Plant Science 13: 842260.
- Ibiapino, A., M. A. Báez, M. A. García, M. Costea, S. Stefanović, and A. Pedroas-Harand. 2022. Karyotype asymmetry in Cuscuta L. subgenus Pachystigma reflects its repeat DNA composition. Chromosome Research 30: 91-107.
- Costea, M., S. S. da Silva, R. Simão-Bianchini, A.R. G. Simões, and S. Stefanovic. 2021. Notes on the systematics of Cuscuta sect. Subulatae (subg. Grammica) with the description of Cuscuta mantiqueirana, a new species from Brazil. PhytoKeys 184: 27-44.
- Lakušić D., T. Rakić, S. Stefanović, S. Siljak-Yakovlev, and B. Surina. 2021. Edraianthus tarae (Campanulaceae), an intriguing taxon from the Balkan Peninsula - Evidence from morphometric and genome size study. Plant Systematics and Evolution. 307: 11.
- Banerjee, A. and S. Stefanović. 2020. Reconstructing plastome evolution across the phylogenetic backbone of the parasitic plant genus Cuscuta (Convolvulaceae). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 194: 423-438.
- Ibiapino, A., M. A. García, M. Costea, S. Stefanović, and M. Guerra. 2020. Convergent proliferation of rDNA sites and heterochromatic bands in two distantly related Cuscuta species (Convolvulaceae) with very large genomes and symmetric karyotypes. Genetics and Molecular Biology 43 (3): e20190068.
- Costea, M., H. ElMiari, R. Farag, C. Fleet, and S. Stefanović. 2020. Cuscuta sect. Californicae (Convolvulaceae) revisited: ‘cryptic’ speciation and host range differentiation. Systematic Botany 45: 638-651.
- García, M. A., M. Costea, M. Guerra, I. García -Ruiz, and S. Stefanović. 2019. Chromosome counts for Cuscuta (Convolvulaceae). Taxon 68: 1378 (E26-E32).
- Banerjee, A. and S. Stefanović. 2019. Caught in action: plastid genome evolution in Cuscuta sect. Ceratophorae (Convolvulaceae). Plant Molecular Biology 100: 621-634.
- Ibiapino, A., M. A. García, M. E. Ferraz, M. Costea, S. Stefanović, and M. Guerra. 2019. Allopolyploid origin and genome differentiation of the holoparasite species Cuscuta veatchii revealed by genomic in situ hybridization. Genome (NRC) 62: 467-475.
- García, M.A., S. Stefanović, C. Weiner, M. Olszewski, and M. Costea. 2018. Cladogenesis and reticulation in Cuscuta sect. Denticulatae (Convolvulaceae). Organisms Diversity Evolution 18: 383-398.
- Schneider, A. C., T. W. A. Braukmann, A. Banerjee, and S. Stefanović. 2018. Convergent plastome evolution and gene loss in holoparasitic Lennoaceae (Boraginales). Genome Biology and Evolution 10: 2663-2670.
- Schneider, A. C., H. Chun, S. Stefanović, and B. Baldwin. 2018. Punctuated plastome reduction and host–parasite horizontal gene transfer in the holoparasitic plant genus Aphyllon. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285: 20181535.
- Braukmann, T. W. A., M. Broe, S. Stefanović, and J. V. Freudenstein. 2017. On the brink: the highly reduced plastomes of non-photosynthetic Ericaceae. New Phytologist 216:254-266.
- Coughlan, J. M., S. Han, S. Stefanović, and T. A. Dickinson. 2017. Widespread generalist clones are associated with range and niche expansion in allopolyploids of Pacific Northwest Hawthorns (Crataegus L.). Molecular Ecology 26:5484-5499.
- Lakusic D., S. Stefanovic, S. Siljak-Yakovlev, T. Rakic, N. Kuzmanovic, and B. Surina. 2016. Edraianthus stankovicii (Campanulaceae), an overlooked taxon from the Balkan Peninsula: Evidence from morphometric, molecular and genome size studies. Phytotaxa 269: 69-89.
- Costea, M., S. Stefanović, M. A. García, S. de la Cruz, M. L. Casazza, and A. J. Green. 2016. Waterfowl endozoochory: An overlooked long-distance dispersal mode for Cuscuta (dodder). American Journal of Botany 103: 957-962.
- Rodrigues, A. G. and S. Stefanović. 2016. Present-day genetic structure of the holoparasite Conopholis americana (Orobanchaceae) in eastern North America and location of its refugia during the last glacial cycle. International Journal of Plant Sciences 177: 132-144. [University of Chicago Press]
- Costea, M., M. A. García, C. Baute, and S. Stefanović. 2015. Entangled evolutionary history of Cuscuta pentagona clade: a story involving hybridization and Darwin in the Galapagos. Taxon 64: 1225-1242.
- Costea, M., M. A. García, C. Baute, and S. Stefanović. 2015. (2403) Proposal to conserve Cuscuta campestris against C. gymnocarpa (Convolvulaceae). Taxon 64: 1325-1326.
- Zarrei, M., N. Talent, M. Kuzmina, J. Lee, J. Lund, P. R. Shipley, S. Stefanović, and T. A. Dickinson. 2015. DNA barcodes from four loci provide poor resolution of taxonomic groups in the genus Crataegus. AoB PLANTS 7: plv045.
- Costea, M., M. A. Garcia, and S. Stefanovic. A phylogenetically based infrageneric classification of parasitic plant genus Cuscuta (dodders, Convolvulaceae). Systematic Botany 40: 269-285.
- Coughlan, J. M., S. Stefanović, and T. A. Dickinson. 2014. Relative resource allocation to dispersal and competition demonstrates the putative role of hybridity in geographical parthenogenesis. Journal of Biogeography 41: 1603-1613.
- Zarrei, M., S. Stefanović, and T. A. Dickinson. Reticulate evolution in North American black-fruited hawthorns (Crataegus section Douglasia; Rosaceae): Evidence from nuclear ITS2 and plastid sequences. Annals of Botany 114: 253-269.
- Piunno, P. A. E., C. Boyd, V. Barzda, C. Gradinaru, U. Krull, S. Stefanović, and B. Stewart. 2014. The Advanced Interdisciplinary Research Laboratory (AIRLab): a student team approach to the fourth-year research thesis project experience. Journal of Chemical Education 91: 655-661.
- García, M. A., M. Costea, M. Kuzmina, and S. Stefanović. 2014. Phylogeny, character evolution, and biogeography of Cuscuta (dodders; Convolvulaceae) inferred from coding plastid and nuclear sequences. American Journal of Botany 101: 670-690.
- Costea, M., I. García Ruiz, K. Docksteder, and S. Stefanović. 2013. More problems despite bigger flowers: systematics of Cuscuta tinctoria clade (subgenus Grammica, Convolvulaceae) with description of six new species. Systematic Botany 38: 1160-1187.
- Rodrigues, A., S. Shaya, T. A. Dickinson, and S. Stefanović. 2013. Morphometric analyses and taxonomic revision of the North American holoparasitic genus Conopholis (Orobanchaceae). Systematic Botany 38: 795-804.
- Lakušić, D., Z. Liber, Toni Nikolić, B. Surina, S. Kovacić, S. Bogdanović, and S. Stefanović. 2013. Molecular phylogeny of the Campanula pyramidalis species complex (Campanulaceae) inferred from chloroplast and nuclear non-coding sequences and its taxonomic implications. Taxon 62: 505-524.
- Braukmann, T. W. A., M. Kuzmina, and S. Stefanović. 2013. Plastid genome evolution across the genus Cuscuta (Convolvulaceae): two clades within subgenus Grammica exhibit extensive gene loss. Journal of Experimental Botany 64: 977-989.
- Lo, E. Y. Y., S. Stefanović, and T. A. Dickinson. 2013. Geographical parthenogenesis in the Pacific Northwest hawthorns (Crataegus; Rosaceae). Botany (CJB) 91: 107-116.
- Braukmann, T. W. A. and S. Stefanović. 2012. Plastid genome evolution in mycoheterotrophic Ericaceae. Plant Molecular Biology 79: 5-20.
- Rodrigues, A. G., A. E. L. Colwell, and S. Stefanović. 2012. Development and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite markers for Conopholis americana (Orobanchaceae). American Journal of Botany 99: e4-e6.
- Costea, M. and S. Stefanović. 2012. Cuscuta (Convolvulaceae). Pp. 659-662 in: The Jepson Manual, Vascular Plants of California, 2nd Edition (B.G. Baldwin et al., editors), University of California Press, Berkeley, CA, USA.
- Costea, M., I. García Ruiz, and S. Stefanović. 2011. Systematics of “horned” dodders: phylogenetic relationships, taxonomy, and two new species within the Cuscuta chapalana complex (Convolvulaceae). Botany (CJB) 89: 715-730.
- Cosea, M., I. Spence, and S. Stefanović. 2011. Systematics of Cuscuta chinensis species complex (subgenus Grammica, Convolvulaceae): evidence for long-distance dispersal and one new species. Organisms Diversity Evolution 11: 373-386.
- Rodrigues, A. G., A. E. L. Colwell, and S. Stefanović. 2011. Molecular systematics of the parasitic genus Conopholis (Orobanchaceae) inferred from plastid and nuclear sequences. American Journal of Botany 98: 896-908.
- Costea, M. and S. Stefanović. 2010. Systematics of Cuscuta umbellata complex (Convolvulaceae). Taxon 59: 1783-1800.
- Mower, J. P., S. Stefanović, W. Hao, J. Gummow, K. Jain, D. Ahmed, and J. D. Palmer. 2010. Horizontal acquisition of multiple mitochondrial genes from a parasitic plant followed by gene conversion with host mitochondrial genes. BMC Biology 8: 150.
- Lo, E. Y. Y., S. Stefanović, and T. A. Dickinson. 2010. Reconstructing reticulation history in a phylogenetic framework and the potential of allopatric speciation driven by polyploidy in a Crataegus agamic complex. Evolution 64: 3593-3608.
- Magee, A. M., S. Aspinall, D. W. Rice, B. P. Cusack, M. Sémon, A. S. Perry, S. Stefanović, D. Milbourne, S. Barth, J. D. Palmer, J. C. Gray, T. A. Kavanagh, and K. H. Wolfe. 2010. Localized hypermutation and associated gene losses in legume chloroplast genomes. Genome Research 20: 1700-1710.
- Lo, E.Y.Y., S. Stefanović, K. Ritland and T. Dickinson. 2010. Fine-scale comparisons of genetic variability in seed families of asexually and sexually reproducing Crataegus (hawthorn; Rosaceae). American journal of Botany. 97(6): 1014-1024.
- Welsh, M., S. Stefanović, and M. Costea. 2010. Pollen evolution and its taxonomic significance in Cuscuta (dodders, Convolvulaceae). Plant Syst. Evol. 285: 83-101.

- Costea, M., M.A.R. Wright, and S. Stefanović. 2009. Untangling the systematics of Salt Marsh Dodders: Cuscuta pacifica, a new segregate species from Cuscuta salina (Convolvulaceae). Systematic Botany. 34(4): 787-795.
- Costea, M. and S. Stefanović. 2009. Cuscuta jepsonii (convolvulaceae): An invasive weed or an extinct endemic? American Journal of Botany. 96(9): 1744-1750.
- Stefanović, S. and D. Lakušić. 2009. Molecular reappraisal confirms that the Campanula trichocalycina-pichleri complex belongs to Asyneuma (Campanulaceae). Bot. Serbica. 33(1): 21-31.
- Costea, M. and S. Stefanović. 2009. Molecular Phylogeny of the Cuscuta californica Complex (Convolvulaceae) and a New Species from New Mexico and Trans-Pecos. Systematic Botany 34(3): 570-579.
- Lakušić, D., T. Rakić, S. Stefanović, B. Surina, and V. Stevanović. 2009. Edraianthus x lakusicii (Campanulaceae) a new intersectional natural hybrid: morphological and molecular evidence. Plant Syst. Evol. 280: 77–88.
- Surina, B., T. Rakić, S. Stefanović, V. Stevanović, and D. Lakušić. 2009. One new species of the genus Edraianthus, and a change in taxonomic status for Edraianthus serpyllifolius f. pilosulus (Campanulaceae) from the Balkan Peninsula. Systematic Botany. 34(3): 602-608.
- Braukmann, T.A.W., M. Kuzmina, and S. Stefanović. 2009. Loss of all plastid ndh genes in Gnetales and conifers: extent and evolutionary signifcance for the seed plant phylogeny. Curr. Genet. 55: 323–337.
- Lo, E. Y. Y., S. Stefanović, K. I. Christensen, and T. A. Dickinson. 2009. Evidence for genetic association between East Asian and western North American Crataegus L. (Rosaceae) and rapid divergence of the eastern North American lineages based on multiple DNA sequences. Molecular Phylogentics and Evolution 51: 157-168.
- Lo, E. Y. Y., S. Stefanović, and T. A. Dickinson. 2009. Population genetic structure of diploid sexual and polyploidy apomictic hawthorns (Crataegus; Rosaceae) in the Pacific Northwest. Molecular Ecology 18: 1145-1160.
- Stefanović, S., B. E. Pfeil, J. D. Palmer, and J. J. Doyle. 2009. Relationships among phaseoloid legumes based on sequences from eight chloroplast regions. Systematic Botany 34: 115-128.
- Stefanović, S. and M. Costea. 2008. Reticulate evolution in the parasitic genus Cuscuta (Convolvulaceae): over and over again. Botany 86: 791-808.
- Costea, M., F. Aiston, and S.Stefanović. 2008. Species delimitation, phylogenetic relationships, and two new species in the Cuscuta gracillima complex (Convolvulaceae). Botany 86: 670-681.
- Stefanović, S., D. Lakušić, M. Kuzmina, S. Međedović, K. Tan, and V. Stevanović. 2008. Molecular phylogeny of Edraianthus (Grassy Bells; Campanulaceae) based on non-coding plastid DNA sequences. Taxon 57(2): 452-475.
- Lo, E. Y. Y., S. Stefanović, and T. A. Dickinson. 2007. Molecular reappraisal of relationships between Crataegus and Mesphilus (Rosaceae, Pyreae) - two genera or one?. Systematic Botany 32(3): 596-616.
- Stefanović, S., M. Kuzmina, and M. Costea. 2007. Delimitation of major lineages within Cuscuta subgenus Grammica (Convolvulaceae) using plastid and nuclear DNA sequences. American Journal of Botany 94(4): 568-589.
- Costea, M., G. L. Nesom, and Stefanović, S. 2006. Taxonomy of the Cuscuta pentagona complex (Convolvulaceae) in North America. SIDA 22(1): 151-175.
- Costea, M., G. L. Nesom, and Stefanović, S. 2006. Taxonomy of the Cuscuta salina-californica complex (Convolvulaceae). SIDA 22(1): 177-195.
- Costea, M., G. L. Nesom, and Stefanović, S. 2006. Taxonomy of Cuscuta gronovii and Cuscuta umbrosa (Convolvulaceae). SIDA 22(1): 197-207.
- Costea, M., G. L. Nesom, and Stefanović, S. 2006. Taxonomy of the Cuscuta indecora complex (Convolvulaceae) in North America. SIDA 22(1): 209-225.
- Stefanović, S. and R. G. Olmstead. 2005. Down the slippery slope: plastid genome evolution in Convolvulaceae. Journal of Molecular Evolution 61: 292-305.
- Stefanovic, S., D. Rice, and J.D. Palmer. 2004. Long branch attraction, taxon sampling, and the earliest angiosperms: Amborella or monocots?. BMC Evolutionary Biology 4: 35.
- Mower J. P., S. Stefanović, G. Young, and J. D. Palmer. 2004. Gene transfer from parasitic to host plants. Nature 432: 165-166.
- Soltis, D. E., V. A. Albert, V. Savolainen, K. Hilu, Y.-L. Qiu, M. W. Chase, J. S. Farris, S. Stefanović, D. W. Rice, J. D. Palmer, P. S. Soltis. 2004. Genome-scale data, angiosperm relationships, and 'ending incongruence': a cautionary tale in phylogenetics. Trends in Plant Science 9: 477-483.
- Stefanović, S. and R. G. Olmstead. 2004. Testing the Phylogenetic Position of a Parasitic Plant (Cuscuta, Convolvulaceae, Asteridae): Bayesian Inference and the Parametric Bootstrap on Data Drawn from Three Genomes. Systematic Biology 53: 384-399.
- Stefanović, S., D. F. Austin, and R. G. Olmstead. 2003. Classification of Convolvulaceae: a Phylogenetic Approach. Systematic Botany 28: 791-806.
- Stefanović, S., L. Krueger, and R. G. Olmstead. 2002. Monophyly of the Convolvulaceae and circumscription of their major lineages based on DNA sequences of multiple chloroplast loci. American Journal of Botany 89: 1510-1522.
- Stefanović, S., M. Jager, J. Deutsch, J. Broutin, and M. Masselot. 1998. Phylogenetic relationships of conifers inferred from partial 28S rRNA gene sequences. American Journal of Botany 85(5): 688-697.
- Stefanović, S., F. Rakotondrainibe, and F. Badre. 1997. Famille 14, Selaginellaceae, Flore de Madagascar et des Comores, Museum National d'Histoire Natirelle, Paris. 68 pp.
- Stefanović, S. and F. Rakotondrainibe. 1997. Contribution to the study of the Selaginellaceae of Madagascar. Adansonia, ser. 3, 19: 165-168.
- Stefanović, S. and F. Rakotondrainibe. 1996. New taxa and a new rank of Selaginella (Selaginellaceae) from Madagascar and the Comoros. Novon 6: 203-209.
- Rakotondrainibe, F., F. Badre, and S. Stefanović. 1996. Etude floristique et phytogeographuque des Pteridophytes des iles du sud-ouest de l'Ocean indien. Pp: 109-120. In: Biogeographie de Madagascar, W. R. Lorenco (editor), Edition de l'ORSTOM, Paris.
Current Lab Members
- Farhan Majumder, PhD student
- Asawari Albal, PhD candidate
- Sasha Legrand, ROP student
- Daniel Pourrahimi, ROP student
Former Lab Members
- Arjan Banerjee, PhD; 2016-2022 [current position: postdoc, University of Toronto]
- Qianshi Lin, PDF; 2020-2021 [current position: postdoc, Penn State University, PA, USA]
- Eric Yung, MSc student; 2022-2022 (withdrawn)
- Erika Frangione, MSc; 2018-2019 [current position: Bioinformatician, Mt. Sinai Hospital, Toronto]
- Adam Schneider, PDF; 2017-2018 [current position: Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, University of Wisconsin – La Crosse]
- Miguel García, PDF; 2013-2016 [current position: Research Associate, Kew Royal Botanical Gardens, UK]
- Michael Wright, PhD student; 2010-2016 (withdrawn)
- Thomas Braukmann, PhD; 2007-2014 [current position: Scientist, Microbiology and Laboratory Science, Public Health Ontario]
- Anuar Rodrigues, PhD; 2007-2013 [current position: Director of Strategy, Office of the Vice-President and Principal, University of Toronto Mississauga]
- Jennifer Coughlan, MSc (co-supervised with T.A. Dickinson, ROM); 2010-2012 [current position: Assistant Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Yale University]
- Eugenia Lo, PhD (co-supervised with T.A. Dickinson, ROM); 2004-2008 [current position: Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, University of North Carolina Charlotte]
- Mehdi Zarrei, PDF (co-supervised with T.A. Dickinson, ROM); 2010-2012 [current position: Research Associate, The Centre for Applied Genomics, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto]
- Dahlia Kasimer, Laboratory Technician; 2014-2018 [current position: Teaching Laboratory Technician, Department of Biology, University of Toronto Mississauga]
- Kathleen Buck, Herbarium Technician; 2011- 2012
- Tara Nicholls, Herbarium Technician; 2010-2011
- Maria Kuzmina, Laboratory Technician; 2005-2008 [current position: Research Associate, Centre for Biodiversity Genomics, Biodiversity Institute of Ontario, University of Guelph]
- Research Opportunity Program:
- Yasmin Ferreira Rosa Pereira Bom (2022/2023)
- Leo San Chuan Chen (2022)
- Benjamin Longley (2021/2022)
- Sara Yoshimi (2021)
- Kevin Chu (2020-2021)
- Aniruddha Doshi (2020-2021)
- Kirandeep Khurana (2019/2020)
- Michael Sun (2019/2020)
- Wen Tang (2019)
- Nurulain Ibrahim (2018)
- Hanine El-Mawed (2018)
- Sian Milne (2018/2019)
- Clyde Yan (2017/2018)
- Daniel Fredric (2017/2018)
- Geevithan Krishnapillai (2016/2017)
- Monalaisa Elmoussa (2015/20106)
- Taylor Davie (2015/2016)
- Muzzammil Abdur-Razak (2014)
- Qasim Muhammad (2013/2014)
- Milena Kosic (2013/2014)
- Michael Adamczyk (2012/2013)
- Norsyuhada Mohktar (2012/2013)
- Bibi Mohungoo (2012/2013)
- Chin-Jui Huang (2010/2011)
- Biology Research Project:
- Kyle Lanteigne-Wilkins (2019/2020)
- Erika Frangione (2017/2018)
- Roula Farag (2016/2017)
- Muzzammil Abdur-Razak (2014/2015)
- Gustav Wulf (2013/2014)
- Nazar Mlynko (2012/2013)
- Shana Shaya (2011/2012)
- Hernando Garcia Burgos (2009/2010)
- Sayed Jibran Shah (2008/2009)
- Christopher Doan (2007/2008)
- Anuar Rodrigues (2006/2007)
- Nataliya Zhukova (2006/2007)
- Advanced Interdisciplinary Research Lab:
- Huma Inayat (2013/2014)
- Daniel Junik (2013/2014)
- Mark Levy (2013/2014)
- Samia Mirza (2013/2014)
- Norsyuhada Mohktar (2013/2014)
- Daniel Nino (2013/2014)
- Buddhisha Udugama (2012/2013)
- Wendy Otieno (2012/2013)
- Roger Bialy (2012/2013)
- Miki Gams (2012/2013)
- Simo Becarevic (2015)
- Michael Adamczyk (2013)
- Meet Zandawala (2008)