Jayson Parker

Jayson Parker

Associate Professor, Teaching Stream
Master of Biotechnology/Biology
Jayson Parker professional areas diagram

Dr. Jayson Parker is a Lecturer in medical biotechnology in the Department of Biology at the University of Toronto Mississauga. He lectures in the Master of Biotechnology Program and the Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering. His main research interests include biomarkers & clinical trial risk, machine learning, biotechnology patents and medical device regulation. 

Research Overview

My research spans four main areas: digital health technology, medical device regulation, cognitive neuroscience, and generative AI in clinical decision making. Although I pursue all four areas, my current primary focus is on how generative AI can be integrated effectively into clinical practice.

Digital Health Technology

In digital health, I am exploring the concept of digital biomarkers,” which involves using biometric data to develop predictive tools. The goal is to understand if certain lifestyle choices can lead to enhanced cognitive performance, and to use these insights for better health outcomes.

Medical Device Regulation

My work on medical device regulation covers both software and AI-based devices. I have focused particularly on risk-based analyses used by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in assessing cardiac surgery devices. Building on that, I aim to address how AI should be regulated more broadly within our healthcare system.

Cognitive Neuroscience

My interests in cognitive neuroscience are both practical and theoretical. Practically, I draw on foundational research in psychology to develop best practices for using generative AI in clinical decision making. Theoretically, I critique and refine our understanding of functional neuroanatomy by examining new animal behaviors uncovered through widespread use of camera technology.

Generative AI in Clinical Decision Making

At present, generative AI is the core of my research. I collaborate with clinicians across various disease areas, using real-world clinical cases to identify potential errors in AI systems and establish best practices for safely incorporating these tools into medical decision making. Ultimately, I intend to develop a psychological framework specific to AI, addressing how it behaves” and interacts with human users.

Teaching & Student Collaborations

Because I am in a teaching-focused role, I do not maintain a dedicated laboratory nor take on full-time graduate students. Instead, I work with students on projects that complement their existing studies. These collaborations are typically conducted remotely, supplemented by in-person meetings as needed.

Courses Taught

  • BIO375H Introductory Medical Biotechnology
  • Experiential learning - BIO299, BIO399
  • BTC1800H Biotechnology in Medicine
  • BTC1882H Digital Ethnography in Health
  • BTC1899H Digital Health
  • BME330H Patents in Biology and Medical Devices
  • BME1801H Biomedical Product Development II


Recent Publications (or submitted): for a complete list of publications, visit my Research Gate profile.

  • Jolly, A., R. Abdelmegid, S. Fremes, P. Kurlansky, N. Mitsakakis, S. Duong, C. Smith, V. Dalstein, J. Da Silver, S. Bagga, P. Santerre and J.L. Parker.  Ancestry and Design Creep in the Oxygenator for the Cardiopulmonary Bypass Machine.  JAMA Surgery (submitted). 
  • Owen, T., K. Viebrock, N. Masoom, N. Ain Shaikh, L. Madani., C. Hassan., T Arianna and J. L. Parker.  Large Language Model Use as a Clinical Decision Support Tool in Crohns Disease Management.  AI New England Journal of Medicine (submitted).
  • Shastri, S., C. Tator, B. Mines, S. Marshall, R. Cantu and J.L. Parker.  Symptom Saliency in Large Language Model use as a Clinical Decision Support Tool in Concussion. Neurology (submitted).
  • Sarkar, N., T. Ziemssen, H. Inojosa, D. Rotstein and J. L. Parker.  Differential Diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis with Large Language Models.  AI New England Journal of Medicine (submitted).
  • Dhillon, S., G. Lopes and J. L. Parker (2023).  The Effect of Biomarkers on Clinical Trial Risk in Gastric Cancer.  American Journal of Clinical Oncology. 46(2): 58-65.  Impact Factor 2.3
  • Mohamed, L., M., S. Manjrekar, D. Ng, A. Walsh, G. Lopes and J. L. Parker (2022).  The Effect of Biomarker Use on the Speed and Duration of Clinical Trials for Cancer Drugs.  The Oncologist.  27(10): 849-856.  Impact Factor 5.8
  • Li, A., J. Dhanraj, G. Lopes and J. L. Parker (2021).  Biomarker use in lymphoma subtypes.  Hematological Oncology. 39: 105-113.  Impact Factor 2.8
  • Parker, J.L., S. Kuzulugil, K. Pereverzev, S. Mach, G. Lopes, Z. Shah, A. Weerasinghe, D. Rubinger, A. Falconi, A. Bener, B. Caglayan, R. Tangri and N. Mitsakakis (2021).  Does biomarker use in oncology improve clinical trial risk?  A large scale analysis.  Cancer Medicine.  10(6):  1955-1963.  Impact Factor 3.4
  • Rolfe, D., Parker, J. L., Morgan M (2016).  Are biosimilars patentable?  Expert Opinion in Therapeutic Patents.  26(8): 871-875.  Impact Factor 4.3
  • Tillie, N. J.L. Parker and  J. Feld (2016).  Clinical Trial Risk in Hepatitis C: Endpoint Selection and Drug Action," Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, vol. 2016; 1-7.  Impact factor 2.6
  • Tam, T.Y.J, J.L. Parker, D. Anastasopulos, Balter, M.S (2016).  Clinical trial risk  in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.  Journal of Respiration.  91(1):79-86.  Impact Factor 3.5
  • Gasperis-Brigante, C, J.L. Parker, P.W. OConner and T.R. Bruno (2016).  Reducing clinical trial risk in multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders. (5): 81–88. Impact factor 4.6
  • Hussain, H. T, J.L. Parker and Sharma, A (2015).  Importance of combination therapy in obesity:  clinical trial risk.  Obesity Reviews. Sep;16(9): 707-14. Impact factor 7.9
