Nicholas Collins
Associate Professor Emeritus
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Twitter: @ve3lim47
*not taking on graduate students
Responding to the fact that the world is much less orderly and more stochastic than we believe.
- Evaluating and explaining the difference between how much variance we believe we can explain in ecological/evolutionary studies and how much is actually explainable.
- The evolution of effect sizes.
- Managing false discovery rates in ecology and evolutionary biology
- Implementing Open Science initiatives in ecology and evolutionary biology.
Aquatic Ecology - freshwaters
- The utility of habitat characteristics in determining the growth and abundance of nearshore fishes.
- The importance of activity costs in determining fish growth differences among lakes.
- The effects of predation risk on activity patterns and habitat use by littoral fishes
- Facilitating warmwater temperature regimes for fish in shallow Great Lakes embayments.
- Murphy, S.C., Collins, N.C., and Doka, S.E. 2012. Determinants of temperature in small coastal embayments of Lake Ontario. Journal of Great Lakes Research 38 (4): 600-609
- C.F. Purchase, N.C. Collins, G.E. Morgan, and B.J. Shuter. 2005. Predicting life history traits of yellow perch Perca flavescens from environmental characteristics of lakes. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 134: 1369–1381.
- Hinch, S.G. and N.C. Collins. 1993. Relationships of littoral fish abundance to water chemistry and macrophyte variables in central Ontario lakes. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 50 (9): 1870-1878.
- Collins, N.C. 1989. Daytime exposure to fish predation for littoral benthic organisms in unproductive lakes. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 46: 11-15.
- Collins, N.C. (1980) Developmental responses to food limitation as indicators of environmental conditions for Ephydra cinerea Jones (Diptera) Ecology 61: 650‑661.